Chapter 22

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                                                        Raw December 19th 2022

                                                        The invasion of Raw

The next few days leading up to Monday night Roman spent a lot of time talking back and forth with Paul about what was going to happen once we got too Raw. The rest of us spent that time in the dark and I didn't think we were going to be clued into anything until right before the show. We'd gotten to Des Moines, IA where Raw was taking place around 7pm Sunday night. Roman, Paul, and The Usos had gotten off the bus to go figure things out while Solo and I stayed behind on the bus. When I came out of the bedroom Solo was sitting on the couch looking at three different t-shirt designs this was going to be the first one for him. I sat down next to him and stared at them too.

"Which one do you like?" he asked.

"Well, if these were my options, I'd pick this one," I said picking up the black shirt in the middle. It had his picture with him posing in mid Samoan spike. Then it said Samoan spike underneath the picture.

"Yeah, I think I like that one the best," he said.

"That doesn't sound convincing," I said.

"I guess I'm not feeling any of them."

"I'm not wow about them either and if you aren't happy with them then tell the merch staff that. You shouldn't settle with something you aren't proud of, it's your image you should betray it how you want it to be."

"You're right, thanks I'll let them know none of these will do," he said. We were silent and I looked at him while I pondered something. "What is it?" he asked realizing I'd been staring off to long.

"Can I show you something?" I asked.

"Anything," he said. I got up from the couch and went to my loft bed. I climbed up the ladder onto the bed reaching for my sketchbook. I got back down and turned to Solo who'd been tracking my every move. I flipped the sketchbook open to the page I was looking for as I walked back to the couch. I once again sat down next to him, then stared hesitating. He didn't say anything just sat there patiently waiting for me. A bit nervous I passed the book to him and he took it, looking down. The sketch was black and white it was from the chest up but had his signature arms crossed over his chest. He was shirtless with his tattoos visible. Unluck the one I did for Roman he was looking straight on. The thing about Solo that none of the pics on the other t-shirt designs showed was the correct way to show emotion on his face. Solo's intensity was all in his eyes. It took a few tries but I think I got it and only someone who's spent enough time look at his eyes could possibly get it right, someone like me. In the top left-hand side, I put Solo and the bottom right side I put Sikoa. His silence lasted longer than I could take.

"What do you think?" I asked.

"It's perfect, I think it's great, I can't believe you drew this," he said.

"If you want this could be your T-shirt design," I told him.

"Really, yes you captured me better than any photo could," he said continuing to stare at it.

"If you flip to the next page, I did write something for the back of the shirt just in case you did want to use my design." He quickly flipped it to the next page. He stared at it for a minute then turned to me and I got that rare smirk. The back was simple and it summed up exactly what Solo was. 'The Enforcer' I wrote down in block letters then put a note saying on back of black shirt white outlined block letters.

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