Chapter 63

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Monday Night RAW 3/6/23 Part 1

Making Waves

I was lying on my back staring up at the ceiling, I'd been awake for the last thirty minutes my mind a rollercoaster of constant thoughts that won't go away. I should have been tired; I was tired since Roman and I were up for hours but here I was a flurry of anxiety and planning. Roman was lying on his stomach his head right against my side lying on the pillow but his face was facing the other way. His arm laid draped across my stomach and I tried to calm myself to the even breathing of him. I turned my head just enough to look at the clock it was almost five-thirty. I had four and a half hours until I had to be at the arena to do my promo on Rhea and my promo was only half written and the part I had written, I wasn't even sure I liked it. The uncertainty about it caused me to sigh which in turn caused Roman to stir.

"What's wrong?" he mumbled turning his head. He laid back down on the pillow and looked up at me, I looked down at him.

"My brain won't turn off," I answered and he chuckled.

"I thought I exhausted you enough last night and yet your mind still goes," he stated.

"You did, I am, but I have to be at the arena in just over four hours and I truly don't know what direction I should take my promo. I mean I just figured I'd know what to say after watching Rhea's but I don't know it just all feels redundant at this point. Plus, anytime I start trying to think of what to say, my mind wonders to other issues, like Cody, Sami, Kevin. Then once my mind as gone over them, I think of Solo and what I'm going to do to make that situation right. Then I...."

"Breathe, my Wildfire," Roman said interrupting my rambling as I tried to explain to him what's happening in my head.

"Sorry, sorry, I got lost again on my thoughts."

"It's okay, but what you really need to do is focus on one thing at a time. Whatever the most important thing at this moment is just focus on that then it doesn't seem like a lot all at once. If your story with Rhea feels redundant then change it, find what's real because when it's real the audience will be that much more invested in it," he explained. I thought about it and clearly the most important thing right now is my promo. He was right I reached over to the side of the bed and grabbed the sheet I'd written half my promo on. I crumbled it up and tossed it across the room. I turned back and slid down till I was eye level with Roman and we stared at each other. I put my hand on the back of his head and leaned in till my lips meant his.

"What was that for?" he asked after I pulled back.

"Clearly figuring out what to say in my promo is the most important thing right now. I just tossed what I had so far. What I need to say to Rhea isn't up here," I said pointed to my head. "It's in here," I told him pointing to my heart. "However, my number one most important thing to take care off that's always above anything else and currently the most important in this moment, is you," I said. He smirked and kissed my lips again.

"Well at least I know you always have your priorities straight," he said. I laughed and pulled the sheets up and over us.


Sunday passed in a blur I'd spent most of the day at the arena doing my promo which somehow, I managed to find the right words when the moment came. The set up they had for me was pretty sick. I knew I probably should have discussed somethings I said with the family beforehand but clarity hit me and I saw how I could incorporate every feud I currently had and tie them all together. We shot the thing three times just because I kept coming up with different ideas and not just what I was saying but how I walked or moved through the set and used the props I had. When I was talking, I knew I couldn't wait for RAW to see everything fall into place. After I got through that I spent some time with security running through my plan for RAW. Since Jey was doing something similar on RAW, we'd spent the majority of the day together. Solo seemed like he was avoiding me and disappeared most of the day. It wasn't until Jey and I were heading back to the bus to meet up with the others before heading back to the hotel that I finally saw Solo standing outside the bus talking to Jimmy.

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