Chapter 21.5

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                          Smackdown December 16th 2022 continued

                          The beginning of the fall of Sami Zayn

Adam is thrilled and says he'll let Kevin know. I however was not thrilled I did not trust Sami to have Roman's back when it would be Kevin across from them. The cameras cut and the crew and Adam left.

"You sure that's a good idea?" I asked.

"I know what I'm doing," Roman assured.

"Alright, I trust you," I said then standing up. "I'm off I'll meet you in gorilla for the last segment," I said.

"Where you going?" Roman inquired.

"To gorilla the next match is a triple threat tag match. The winners face the Uso's for the titles next week. One of those teams is Fantasma and Zelina and I have unfinished business," I said.

"Solo goes with you to gorilla, do things right Briar," Roman demanded.

"I will Chief, see you in a little bit," I told him then Solo and I left. The match had already gotten underway when Solo and I had made it to gorilla. I'd passed one of the monitors on the way here and I saw when Fantasma came out they were showing what I did to her last week. I was glad I didn't see the whole thing; it'd probably trigger me. I paced around gorilla while the match went on. It took a while but Hit Row ended up winning, which didn't sit well with the Viking Raiders. Those two teams fought all the way to the back. While Legado Del Fantasma got it together at ringside Zelina had grabbed a mic and got into the ring.

"Last week, I was brutally attacked by your Women's Champion. Briar Wild is an unstable person who doesn't deserve that title. Her stature in The Bloodline makes her think she can get away with anything she wants, that she can manipulate the system. She's had that title for almost a month and isn't even medically cleared to fight for it. You know it used to be if you couldn't defend your title in thirty days you had to vacate it to someone else, but apparently rules don't apply to her. She also doesn't seem to mind attacking someone out of nowhere, and I....," she kept going on but my music hit. I had Solo stay in the back unless he was needed and took a mic out there with me. It'd been kept on the down low all day that I had been medically cleared. I emerged onto the ramp, title in one hand and mic in the other.

"Zelina, Zelina, Zelina," I said over the music as it died out and I walked down the ramp. "You want to stand out here and complain how I attacked you. Let me remind you that it was you who put your hands on me first," I stated stepping between the ropes. I stood across the ring from her. "You shouldn't have started a fight with me because now I'm going to have to end it. You say I don't deserve this title; everyone saw at Survivor Series that I earned it. I might have said you'd never get a shot at this title, but you know what I'm feeling generous. I think I might need a warm up before Royal Rumble," I said then slapped her returning the favor. She stumbled back and reached up holding her face. The rest of Fantasma jumped on the apron.

"Not so fast," I said pointing to them. "SOLO," I yelled. "Bring out a referee," I demanded glaring. The crowd went crazy and Solo's music came. He came out pushing a referee down the ramp. Solo raced around the ring toward Fantasma who jumped off the apron prepared to take on Solo, that was their mistake. It was Zelina's mistake to let it distract her. I dropped the title and mic, and threw my jacket down as Zelina spun back giving me the perfect angle to super kicked her. She stumbled into the corner holding her jaw. I yelled at the ref to ring the bell.

"You can't have a match you aren't cleared to compete," Zelina screamed trying to find a way out. The referee stopped and started telling me she's right. I bent down and picked up the mic.

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