Chapter 52

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Smackdown Part 2


I opened my eyes again and there was so much noise I couldn't decipher one voice from the next. Sections of the tables were being lifted off me, I saw Roman and Solo first standing not too far away as the crew worked on getting me out. Shayna laid just inches from me. I could see her breathing but she'd only just started moving around. At this moment I had no idea if our match at Elimination Chamber tomorrow was actually going to happen. Once I was cleared of debris I went to see if I could get up and until I was stopped by Roman's voice.

"Don't move, let them do that!" he said and his voice was very clear in me listening to him. They put a neck brace on me and I could see them with the backboard, I didn't want to be stretchered out but from the looks on the rest of The Bloodline I wasn't going to have any say in the matter. So, I just held still and let them work. Once they got the brace on four of them lifted me up and onto the backboard where they strapped me down and wheeled me out back to the backstage area, I briefly looked down to see them attending to Shayna. Once backstage all I could hear was the word ambulance and I started to panic.

"No, stop! No ambulance!" I shouted thrashing around. Some of them grabbed me to hold me down.

"You have to go get checked out, the ambulance is waiting," someone said.

"No hospital! Roman, Roman!" I shouted. Roman pushed someone out of the way and then came into my view. I stopped moving when he grabbed my shoulders. I looked up into his eyes. "I'm fine, don't let them take me to the hospital, nothing is serious. Please just to the trainer's room, please Chief," I begged as he stared hard at me.

"Alright but if the trainer's think something is serious, you're going, no questions," he said. I nodded relaxing back onto the stretcher. "The trainer's room," he told the staff members around us. Five minutes later I was in the trainer's room with three doctors and Roman. They'd unstrapped me and checked my neck for injury before removing the neck brace.

"Do you have any pain?" I was asked. My eyes constantly darting to Roman as he stood in the corner of the room with his arms crossed looking on. I couldn't tell if he was pissed or concerned, it was probably both.

"Just my right hip," I said. They tugged a little bit on the right side of my pants to show a bruise forming on my hip. I cringed when he pressed on it.

"It'll be a nasty shiner by tomorrow but nothing is broken. Do you have pain anywhere else?" he asked.

"No," I replied. They cleaned up a small cut on my arm, checked me for a concussion, and checked my other limbs. Other than my small cut and bruised hip they didn't find anything else wrong. They had me slowly get off the bed and walk towards Roman. He watched my every step and I watched him. I felt a bit wobbly but it was most likely from the adrenaline and shock.

"Keep ice on that hip all night, you'll have to be checked out again tomorrow morning to make sure your cleared to compete tomorrow night," he said handing me an ice pack.

"Okay, thanks, can we go?" I asked. I got the nod and turned to Roman, it was his move. He put his hands on my shoulders and steered me out the door, which the second we went through The Bloodline bombard us frantically.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," I assured them. "Just a bruised hip," I stated. They all practically sighed with relief.

"I personally don't think I'd ever been that scared for someone in my life, Little Uce," Jey said. Solo, Jimmy, and Paul all had the same sentiment.

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