Chapter 18

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                                                                        The Wild One

Roman's theme song echoed off the bus walls. Staring at the brothers who were staring at me, I set my bag on the ground and my food on the table so I could pull my phone out my back pocket. I wasn't worried. At least that was what I was telling myself.

"Chief," I said answering the call.

"Interesting show tonight, Wildfire," he spoke, his voice calm.

"I did try to call you several times about what was going to happen," I defended myself, though I don't know why I thought I needed to. I was just out there doing my job as I was instructed, mostly.

"I know, I just finished interviews for today ten minutes before the start of Raw and got your messages. You did good, Wildfire, thanks for staying out of danger and letting the rest of the family deal with things," he said.

"It felt good to be somewhat close to the action again," I honestly said still feeling the adrenaline rushing through my veins. It made me crave it more.

"You'll be back at it before you know it," he said calmly again, which was making me anxious. I got the feeling him not being upset about how involved I was had something to do with him needing to tell me something.

"What's wrong?" I questioned. He sighed like he didn't want to tell me.

"They've asked me to go to a few other places, there are some talk shows that really want to have me on," he said and my heart sank like a stone in water.

"How much longer?" I asked dreading his answer, I was already missing him like crazy.

"I'll catch up with you guys' Saturday morning," he said.

"That's so long, you're missing Smackdown," I wined.

"I know Wildfire, but I'm champion this is my obligation to do."

"I understand, I just don't like it," I told him.

"I'll call you every day. If you need anything, anytime call me," he insisted. I didn't answer just stayed quiet. "Wildfire, please don't make this harder, answer me," he demanded. I looked down I didn't want to stare at the others while I answered.

"I just need you," I whispered into the phone.

"I know, I'll see you soon and talk to you sooner, Solo had a busy night how is he?" he asked. I looked up to Solo who always had that hard to read expression.

"Oh well, you know," I said.

"Yeah, I do. Will you put him on the phone please?" he asked.

"Yes Chief," I said. All three brothers were still staring at me. I held the phone out to Solo.

"He wants to talk to you," I told him. He stepped forward taking the phone before turning and walking away from us. I know when Solo gets all worked up its Roman who talks him down. I'm beginning to know the feeling. I sighed and moved to sit down at the table in front of my food but I wasn't much hungry anymore. Maybe if I'd been more rambunctious than maybe he would have cancelled his plans and came back. My wild side only seemed to be tamed when he was around but the last twenty-four hours I felt the itch, to cause destruction like Solo did tonight.

"He angry about Raw tonight?" Jimmy asked.

"No," I told him opening the container of food staring at the taco's I'd got.

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