Chapter 40.5

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                                                 Royal Rumble part 3.5

                                       The shot heard around the world part 2

"What are you doing man!" Jey yelled at Sami, the emotions in his voice rocking inside me even through the burning pain I was feeling. All I heard then was a loud thud and knew Sami just got super kicked, it was Jimmy who had done it. I just seen the rage emerge into Roman's eyes as he jumped over me spearing Sami. Jey was the one who came over to my side pulling me away and to the edge of the apron.

"SOLO!" Roman yelled. I looked over as the sting in my back didn't seem to let off to watch Solo stomp over, grab Sami by his head, and Samoan spike him into next week. Solo then picked him back up and Jimmy super kicked him again. Jey and I locked eyes the camera on us.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," Jey said then got out of the ring looking distressed, the look I was so worried about seeing on his face. Jimmy and Roman yelling at him to come back. Roman started marching around like a mad man. He ordered Solo to pick up Sami again and got right into his face. He yelled at him for hurting me, betraying The Bloodline, and losing his right-hand man. Roman then backed up and Superman punched him before ripping off his honorary Uce t-shirt shredding it into pieces.

Jimmy went to the ring post and grabbed the lei that was meant for Sami and handed it to Roman who pulled it apart and dumbed the petals all over Sami and the ring.

The Bloodline stood tall expect for me, crippled by the end of the ring and no Jey. Paul was next to me asking if I was okay, but I was having trouble finding words. At the sound of Paul asking that question Roman turned his attention to me. He stormed over getting out of the ring. Jimmy and Solo followed as Solo grabbed the titles to hand them to Paul. Roman pulled me out of the ring trying to set me on my feet. I tried taking a step but my lower back gave out and my legs followed. Roman with zero hesitation reached underneath my legs and picked me up. A few hours ago, I was tearing up this ramp like a mad woman over Solo's shoulder and now I was being carried up it by Roman. The Bloodline got ahead of him as Roman turned with me in his arms toward the ring and the camera.

"No one messes with my family, no one messes with my girl. This is my world. My Bloodline runs this place. I run this place and no one gets a pass," he said as I felt the rumble of his chest. My back burning after the match I had with Charlotte and how long I'd been in the figure eight and now being hit by a steel chair. My body wasn't having the best night here. Roman then turned and got us up the ramp. I told him at the top he could put me down but he didn't listen. We got to the back and I quickly looked for Jey but he was nowhere to be seen. Crew members were moving everywhere as three trainers swarmed around me giving de ja vu all over again. It'd be nice to get through one show without having to see a trainer.

"We'll look at her you can put her down," they said to Roman, but he just glared.

"Locker room," he said as creative came over. Some looked pissed others looked concerned, either way I was about to hear it.

"You weren't supposed to do that," one of the guys, David I believe was his name. He got the biggest death glare from Roman that made even the hairs on my arms stand up on end causing the guy to pale.

"Are you kidding me, I couldn't have scripted that better. Did you hear the crowd. She sacrificed herself for him and she just told everyone on Smackdown last night that Sami would never be Bloodline. This is going to be huge," another creative guy said getting way to excited. They were only thinking about storylines but this wasn't some story. This was real, this was my life, and this was about the family I've been adopted into. Everything they gave to me and all I wanted to do was save them, if that means what I did was selfish then I guess I'm selfish.

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