Chapter 54

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Elimination Chamber part 2


I marched back up the ramp showing off my title and leaving Shayna in a hep in the middle of the ring. I walked through the curtain back into gorilla and it was like I hit a wall. Everything about this whole thing with Shayna kept taking me back to my feud with Ronda. The only difference was my shoulder wasn't pulled out of place and I didn't have a huge slash across my face. I did have a bunch of little cuts on my arms though and I could feel the welts on my back from the kendo stick. Also, my right side might as well have been set on fire. Just like after the Rumble I stepped into gorilla and came crashing to my knees. Solo was the first one I saw as he got down on the floor in front of me.

"Briar, are you okay?" he asked concern so very loud in his voice as I clung onto the championship tightly to my chest. Every since part of my body hurt and I think I was in shock from it all. I finally made eye contact with Solo and the words finally came to my mouth.

"I will be," I moaned. "Help me to the locker room," I said.

"We should go to the trainer's room first," he said and others around me agreed.

"NO!" I shouted then groaned, grabbing my side. "Locker room, first," I insisted. Solo and a crew member helped me to my feet. Solo put his arm around me to help me walk, but I had nothing left in me and went to my knees.

"I think your going to have to carry me," I said. Solo's arms came under my legs and he lifted me up without any hesitation. My title laid across my stomach and I rested my head against Solo's chest. I closed my eyes sighing, I wanted to sleep for the next three days.

"I got you sis," he said and I knew he did. It felt like the longest walk ever back to the locker room. "We're here," he said finally. I opened my eyes to seeing him opening the door. The group in the room stood up instantly.

"You didn't go to the trainers?" Roman questioned right off the bat.

"She didn't want to," Solo said.

"Wiseman, get a trainer in here now!" Roman ordered. Paul quickly spun on his heels then left the room.

"The chair, set me in the chair," I told him. Jey stepped away from the chair as he was the one who had been occupying it. Roman helped Solo gently set me down but the pain was all the same no matter how careful they moved me; I groaned as I was placed down. I grabbed my title and did my best to hold it out to Jey.

"Here take this," I told him. He quickly took it as Roman kneeled in front of me. I finally looked up to him. Other then my match with Ronda, I'd never seen him so worried. I leaned forward to put my hands on Roman's shoulders.

"I'll be fine," I tried to assure him. "At least nothings broken," I added.

"What can I do?" he asked.

"You're already doing it," I said. "I'm just waiting for the pain to subside some," I went on.

"Roman, her arm," Jimmy said. My left arm was bleeding and bruising.

"It's not as bad as it looks."

"What's your worse pain?" Roman asked.

"My hip, damn it those steps about killed me," I said.

"I think everyone in his room died a little when we saw that and heard you," Jey said.

"I thought it was all over then since she knew my weakness," I said.

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