Chapter 38

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                       Final Smackdown Before Royal Rumble

                                                  Truth Be Told

"It's just for one night," Roman said. I was already dreading Smackdown, because I didn't know what to do. Now he was telling me he was leaving and not going to be there. My anchor to keep me safe, to keep me secure.

"But what if...," I started saying but he stopped me. It was my own fault I've had the last three and a half days to talk to him about it but I just couldn't do it. Every time I came so close to doing so, I could hear the anger in his voice telling me it wasn't my business or he didn't want to hear about it again. I've been constantly arguing with myself since the trial about the Sami situation.

"Don't worry, I'm just flying to New York for the Late-Night show and then I'll see you tomorrow night after Smackdown. I'll meet you in San Antonio for the Rumble. I'll be using the private jet and everything so I'm not away for long," he explained.

"I know but I'm concerned about Smackdown, I want...," I started to say.

"Briar, relax you'll be fine on Smackdown without me. Solo is taking out Owens and the Usos will help him. Sami isn't there and you're just giving your final promo about Charlotte."

"Well about my promo, I want to...," I started again and was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Roman we're here, jet's ready to go," Paul said on the other side of the door.

"I'll be right there," he said then looked down at me his big hand cupped the right side of my face before he kissed my lips and I melted into him. I felt the weight I'd been carrying melt away not for good but just for a few moments. I wanted to pull him back to me when he started to pull away but I didn't.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Wildfire," he said.

"Bye Chief," I said and he was gone before I realized I still didn't tell him the truth. I sat down on the edge of the bed staring at the closed door he just walked out of. Can the truth set me free or will it be my downfall? Will keeping quiet be the best thing or is speaking out at the last minute the only choice? I put my elbows on my legs and bury my face in my hands. I wasn't worried about Charlotte, or my entrance, or my match, or even setting The Wild One free for the first time (total denial) it's just about what Sami Zayn was going to do to my family. After forty-five minutes of sitting there torturing myself with my thoughts Jimmy knocked on the door to let me know food was ready. I took a few minutes to collect myself then proceed out to the lounge.

"You good Little Uce?" Jimmy asked as I took my seat.

"Yes," my one-word response came.

"Then why does the expression on your face look like a tortured soul?" Jey asked next to me. It was hard to look at Jey, the last few days it's been hard. After Monday every time I look into his eyes my heart breaks. "It's Roman, isn't it? It's going to be okay it's not a week this time its only twenty-four hours, Uce," Jey said.

"I know," I sighed then started eating, not looking at anyone if I could help it. I didn't say anything even after we got done eating, I just went right back to the bedroom. I went to close the door but it was Jey who stopped me from shutting it. I looked up into his eyes and all I saw was concern.

"Let's talk," he said. I stepped aside to let him come in. He sat down on the end of the bed and I sat down next to him.

"Tell me something, I'm confused Little Uce the last four days you've barely have said anything. What is it?"

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