Chapter 13

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                                            First promo/First match

"Hunter will be calling you here in a few minutes," Paul said when we walked back into the living room.

"Okay," I responded as Nicole and I joined him once again at the table.

"We already saw what you look like, why are you hiding?" he asked and I saw the same question on Nicole's face.

"Because I don't want anyone else to see what I look like," I said taking a drink of my water and turning on my phone, ignoring the exchange of glances between Nicole and Paul. I punched in my password and turned the volume back up.

I had almost a hundred text messages and some fifty-two missed calls. I turned the brightness up a little but not back to what it was before because it still bugged my eyes, at least the parts of my eyes I could see out of, even with the sunglasses on. I went through my text messages first. Most were ones just congratulating me, there was even a few from the women who were bashing me. Was that because they wanted to seem like they care or did I really change their mind? I messaged the important ones back. I got a little over half way with the text messages when my phone went off and motorhead starting playing Triple H's theme song. I looked up to Paul and Nicole who were chuckling.

"Hello," I answered.

"Hey superstar how's the new champ?" he asked.

"Never better, you wouldn't even recognize me, seriously," I said. He laughed.

"I bet I know exactly how you feel," he retorted.

"I have no doubt that you do."

"I just wanted to check on you and touch base on a few things," he said. "First, I wanted to let you know we looked into the turnbuckle situation to see what happened. Apparently during the previous match Finn had grabbed the turnbuckle to hang onto. When AJ grabbed him, Finn had pulled the cover off enough to expose the screw but not enough for the crew to notice. I'm sorry this happened Briar, we will fix this so it doesn't happen in the future."

"Well, it made for a hell of an ending, but thanks for looking into it," I said.

"No problem our talents safety is always priority. So, let's talk creative, I was told your idea and I think we are looking to go in that direction of course you know us it could change last minute. However, we for sure will let you walk with the group on Smackdown and we will let you cut your promo. I've talked to Heyman already, have him look it over and if all is good, please send it to us early this week."

"I will and I'd like to keep the promo under wraps I don't even want The Bloodline other than Paul to know what I'm going to say because I think it would be best to have an honest reaction from them," I explained.

"I agree," he said. "I'm proud of you and you're the first women in WWE who has ever trended 1 or 2 for over twelve straight hours," he said.

"Thank you and I.... wait I was?" I asked stopping myself when it clicked in my brain on what he just said.

"Yep, and about the trainer thing don't worry it's taken care of, I'm sorry that happened too," he said and I was once again confused.

"What are you talking about? What trainer thing?" I questioned looking up at Nicole and Paul who quickly adverted eye contact.

"You haven't heard? You haven't looked at your phone?"

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