Chapter 68.5

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Smackdown 3/17/23

The Worst Reunion Part 2

Standing in gorilla I waited for the recap video of Rhea and I over the last few weeks, it reinvigorated me. It sent adrenaline coursing through my body and I was ready for anything. Once the video ended, I looked to Solo.

"I'll be right back," I told him and walked out when my music hit. I made my entrance to the roar of the crowd. After my pose on the turnbuckle, I went for a mic then returned to the middle of the ring. I held up my title and at the same time pointed to the WrestleMania sign while my music slowly died out. I continued to point listening to the crowd.

"A lot of people have said I've been given too much too fast, that I might not be able to handle the demands of being a top champion, that I might crack under all the pressure. That WrestleMania will make or break me but I look at that WrestleMania sign and I don't feel pressure, I don't feel like I'm cracking. I see destiny and opportunity and a fulfillment I could only dream about. Rhea Ripley wants to be the champion, wants to be in charge, but Rhea can't be in charge until she becomes the champion but she can't become the champion until she goes through me," I state and Rhea's music hits and out she comes with Dominik. Unphased by any of it I stand and wait. Finally, after an entrance and getting a mic, we can get to back to business. She stands a few feet from me and Dom stands back by the ropes after Rhea tells him she's got this.

"You're a hundred percent right Briar, I chose you. I didn't choose Bianca Belair because I have my reasons but believe me when I say it, we'll get back to that. When I walk through the locker room men, women they all turn their backs and walk away because of fear, because I am dangerous, I am bloody good at what I do and everyone fears me. Except for you, I mean look at you right now, you're staring me down without an ounce of fear in your eyes. And to be quite frank with you that pisses me off. You're the Smackdown Women's Champion for a reason you're a superstar, your one of the biggest stars in the WWE at the moment and you did it quicker then anyone ever has. I can give you all the credit in the world for getting yourself here from where you were at but that right there, your Smackdown Women's Championship, I want. Hell, I need it because I don't only want to be a star but I bloody need to be a star and after WrestleMania once everything is done and dusted you won't be laying any roses down. You're going to learn to call me champion and you're going to learn to fear me."

Dominik then stepped up and started talking trash to me. While I was distracted by him Rhea reached around him and hit me in the face. The force was enough to knock me to the mat. I grabbed my jaw and glared as Rhea and Dom backed out of the ring.

"I'll see you at WrestleMania," she yells at me before they exit the ring. I felt The Wild One come up and there was no going back. I stood up, dropped my belt, took off my jacket, and jumped out the side of the ring all while Dom and Rhea were faced the other way making comments to the crowd as they headed for the ramp. The crowd made noise as I charged their way. Rhea turned to see what the commotion was about and I close lined the hell out of her. I screamed and pointed at Dom daring him to get involved. Rhea got up and I charged her pushing her into the barricade as we started throwing punches back and forth. Referees came out and tried to separate us. We both got free of being held back and we both went after each other moving around the outside of the ring from the right side of the ramp. I pushed Rhea into the barricade again she came back and pushed me into the ring post. I pulled myself together before I speared her to the ground all the while an entire group of officials, refs, and security guards were trying to break us up.

We fought on the ground till they separated us but The Wild One was taking over and I hit the two officials holding me back. Once they were out of the way I went back for Rhea who I went to superkick but she moved and I superkicked a security guard instead sending him over into the time keeper's area. I was surprised by this and Rhea hit me from behind and I went down for a second before Rhea picked me up and tossed me over the announcer's table.

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