Chapter 19

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                                Smackdown December 9th 2022

Walking through the curtains into gorilla Briar Wild was left behind and The Wild One was in charge. We watched the opening intro of Smackdown on the monitor. The sound of the crowd was giving me the adrenaline rush that I needed. The pyro like always echoed through the small space we were in. I adjust the title over my shoulder as my music hit. I took a deep breath and looked over my shoulder to make sure Solo was there and ready, he nodded then out we went.

I got cheered oddly enough as I posed at the top of the ramp. Taking a minute to look around the arena I could see signs that said 'Wild One' and 'Divine Move' it blew my mind. People were actually into who I was and what I was doing. I threw my sunglasses off my eyes as the camera panned around, I smirked into the lens. I held the title up high as we made our way down to the ring. Solo went up the stairs first and held the ropes open for me, while I held my slinged arm close pretending it was still hurting me.

I got a mic and paced the ring while Solo moved to stand in the corner arms crossed, looking for any danger. I held the title up one more time then waited for the music to stop. Once it did, I brought the microphone to my mouth to speak but then the crowd started chanting Wild One, which drove the fire inside me to burn more. I brought the microphone down and listened for a minute.

"Alright, alright let's not waste any more time, does everyone want to hear my Divine Move?" I asked pacing the ring once again. Yes, chants rang in all around the arena. I stopped and look up the ramp. "Charlotte Flair, I know you are back there. I'm calling you out to this ring right now," I stated and the crowd went crazy and Solo came over to me. He knew nothing about what I was going to say.

"What are you doing?" he asked worried. Charlotte's music hit.

"Don't worry I know what I'm doing," I informed him as Charlotte emerged. Solo backed up but stood much closer than a few minutes ago. Charlotte was wearing black jeans, black riding boots, a blue shirt, and black leather jacket. She stopped at the top of the ramp and eyed me with confusion yet curiosity before making her way to the ring. She got in and eyed me again. I motioned with my hand welcoming her to grab a mic. Once she had a mic, she eyed Solo who was hovering behind me. Charlotte's music stopped.

"Don't worry about him," I said to her then looked at Solo.

"Back up, it's okay, I got this, here hold this," I told him. I handed him my title and he put it over his shoulder and stepped back more. I stepped toward Charlotte keeping my slinged arm close, trying to play my part good.

"Ladies and gentlemen Charlotte Flair," I announced. The crowd was a mix of cheers, boos, and woos which is always a typical reaction for her. Charlotte stared at me wondering what I was doing. "If you don't know and you've been living under a rock Charlotte Flair is a thirteen time women's champion, she is The Queen, and has a family legacy that can't be denied," I addressed. Charlotte raised her chin and took in my compliments. "Thirteen times you've reigned over the women's division but now that I'm the champion I'm going to do something you've never done in any of your reigns. I'm not going to wait around for them to find me a number 1 contender, I'm not going to wait for them to put a bunch of matches together to see who's next in line. I'm not going to wait for someone to try to jump me from behind to try and push me into giving them a title match. Which by the way just so you know and the rest of the locker room knows if you try to jump me from behind 99 percent of the time, you'll run smack into a pissed off Samoan," I said pointing and looking over to Solo. He firmly nodded his head. "No, I'm not going to wait for any of that to happen. No one is going to find me; I'm going to find them. You can't become the best; you can't become great, and you can't stand next to the head of the table unless you defeat the best. Charlotte you are one of the best, some even say the best. We are a little more than a month away from the Royal Rumble and that marks two months since I won that title," I said pointing to it on Solo's shoulder. "And I will be medically cleared to compete by then. So, what do you say Charlotte you want to try and go for title reign fourteen and kick off the road to WrestleMania with a bang?" I asked. The crowd went crazy. Charlotte looked at me then around at the crowd.

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