Chapter 46.5

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                                                                 A Ride Home

I was the one being interview about Rhea but looking at Cody hovering behind Saxon waiting to come in.

"We both have big matches at Elimination Chamber but when it comes to Mania the only person leaving in one piece and with this title is going to be me," I said then Cody stepped into the frame. The crowd echoing loudly throughout the building. Solo tried to step up but I stopped him and pushed him back. Cody looked down to me as Brayon Saxon was stuck in the middle holding the microphone.

"You have a lot of guts to step up to me," I stated.

"I just wanted to properly introduce myself. I'm the American Nightmare Cody Rhodes, the winner of the Royal Rumble and the one who will take the undisputed championship from your Tribal Chief Roman Reigns," he said.

"Alright we can do introductions. I'm Briar Wild, The Wild One, the Unpredictable One, I am the Smackdown Women's Champion and a member of The Bloodline. I'm also the one member of The Bloodline you don't want to piss off," I said. Cody smirked at me.

"I also heard you using my lines on Smackdown," he said.

"Truth be told Cody I don't have a problem with you. Your whole comeback to WWE, I think it's great. I hope someday you do finish your story. However, that won't be happening anytime soon. As long as Roman is champion you're going to have to wait to finish that story and I assure you, you're going to be long past your prime when that happens," I said.

"I've waited my whole life, waiting isn't a problem to me, but I'm only waiting until WrestleMania because that's where I'm finishing my story. But I will echo you back, I don't have a problem with you either Briar. You've made a hell of a name for yourself these past few months and put on some classic matches and for that I acknowledge you," he said and the camera zoomed to my shirt before going back out as I could see it on the monitor just over Cody's right shoulder. I chuckled.

"The Tribal Chief will see you soon and when you're standing face to face with him it's okay to be nervous, it's okay to be scared but you will acknowledge him," I said. Cody looked away nodding his head. I put my arm on Solo's shoulder. "Come on Solo, I know for a fact The American Nightmare still has a long night ahead of him," I stated. Solo glared at Cody before he and I walked off finally heading for the locker room.

After watching Cody and Paul in the ring, I felt a sudden sadness for Cody, I really did. He was making his biggest career accomplishments without his father around. I was making my biggest career accomplishments without my mother or any family around to be proud of me. I absolutely got Cody Rhodes, his story and who he is, but I'd also give my left arm to make sure my Roman stayed in the position he was at with his titles. I was quiet in the locker room, I was quiet when Paul came back, and I was quiet when we walked back to the car. I only spoke when we got to the car to say I'd drive since I could make the drive from here to my house with my eyes shut. I also saw driving as something I could focus on instead of sitting in the back letting my thoughts consume me like they always do when something is going on. Solo rode shotgun and Paul conducted phone business in the back. I stopped at a drive-thru to get us food. We ate in the parking lot as I wasn't in the mood to be around people in case we got recognized. I wasn't all that hungry so I got a large fry and a vanilla milkshake to dunk them in.

"I think this is the longest I've heard you be silent," Paul said leaning over the seats about halfway through us eating.

"I agree, what's on your mind Briar?" Solo asked. I took a sip of my milkshake to clear my throat.

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