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November forty-fifth, fourteen twenty.

Now caught up, the group settled down, some more than others, that is. Paco and Gelato took naps, but Paco was first to wake and realized Luz was gone. So was Amity. He was still here, so they didn't go too far, and he wasn't being kidnapped, so it's not a hostage situation.

Their mats are gone, water as well, the pillow- Ah. "Goodness gracious, they're mating again." Paco snorted, standing, and whinnying loudly. "I'M AWAKE LUZ!!"

Gelato shuffled, glaring at Paco and huffing, "And I wish to not be. Silence."

"I hoped you were dead." Paco nickered, looking around. "They must've went a ways from here. And awhile ago..LUUZZZZZ!!!"

Gelato and Paco silenced to hear any sounds, looking to eachother when nothing happened. "Let's go." Gelato stood.


Paco helped Gelato pack, the two biting down on either ends of their saddles before walking forward and out of the woods, continuing the route. Paco went back to kick at the dirt before returning to Gelato, the two lying back down and napping.

An hour later did Luz and Amity return, freshly bathed and dressed. "Let's get going." Luz clapped.

Paco rolled his eyes, disgust evident in his eyes. "Honestly I thought you loved me enough to tell me you'd leave to mate." He turned his head away. "So you do not love me."

"Awh, Paco.." Luz gently stroked cheek, rubbing his snout. "Are you mad that I did not inform you? I'm sorry, I truly do love you, Paco."

He slumped, "Well, you said it so it must be true. I love you too Luz, you are my dearest friend and I enjoy our adventures together." Paco blew in her face, squealing when Luz drew back. "To the next town!"


Paco and Gelato had to run to make up for Luz and Amity's idiocy to mate on the very important mission. The town they arrived to was lovely, but to make sure there were no loose ends or surprises, Luz went to speak to those in charge of prisoners. They knew nothing, said they heard some stuff a town or two away, then explained to Luz where a tavern could be found.

"Why are we here?" Amity asked, taking Luz's hand.

"Taverns are known to have those who need a break. And those who need information." Luz glanced around, squeezing Amity's hand before guiding her towards a corner. "Evening."

A gruff man, scars scattered on his face and biceps huffed, looking to Luz. "Yer a needin' sumthin?" He lifted his pint of beer.

"Yes, but I need to know if you have what I need before paying." Luz leaned against his table. "A king, perhaps?"

He stilled. "What're you needin' a king for, Kid?" He slammed his pint down. "Yer tryin' to rid of ours?-"

"Adrian Graye."

Pausing, he gurgled and spit into a spittoon. "..Keep talking."

"Apparently he's been missing for weeks, but I have a debt to settle..He been around here?"

He glanced around, leaning in, "Word is, he's been taken by a caravan. Nicest, cleanest caravan ever seen. Potions around, biped demons-" He cleared his throat. "And a queen."

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