208. Video Inspiration

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208. Video Inspiration: Go to Vimeo.com or YouTube.com and watch one of the videos featured on the homepage. Write something inspired by what you see.

I am utterly dying. This video has killed me. I haven't laughed so hard in a very long time... I just went on the trending page and found this What Thor was Doing During Captain America: Civil War video and of course I clicked on it. Then I watched it. I watched it again. And again. I found so much enjoyment in this. I highly recommend it. 😂😂


Thor Odinson stared up at the ceiling in deep contemplation: Why hadn't he been asked to fight?

It was a question that genuinely puzzled him. After all, had he not slain armies? Were his biceps not bigger than that puny spider creature? Was he not worthy?

He didn't have a lot going on right now, Thor. He arose and ate his breakfast of leftover stew -- he was partial to stews -- with a bit of ale. He regaled to anyone who would listen -- Darryl, the children at the library during the storytime, the old lady on the park bench he only just now found out was deaf -- with tales of his grandeur. During the evening Thor stared the wall and wondered how he should contact either Tony Stark or Captain America and see if they required his assistance, or he polished Mjolner, his mighty hammer. It was a different life than he had ever lived before. At first he found in peaceful, but now he felt the urge to punch something or participate in an epic battle. He would even settle for a fierce game of Checkers -- Thor also liked checkers. Sometimes he coerced Darryl into playing with him, but Bill always won. Thor was beginning to wonder if his new roommate had the power of the infinity stone, because Darryl possessed an alarming amount of power when it came to knowing how to beat Thor Odinson in checkers.

He tried taking on a hobby besides bashing things with his mythical hammer, but neither painting or woodshop satisfied him. Besides, Thor could offer his help. Of course, they would need to ask for it. He was an ancient deity... not some ant. But how to get them to ask him?

He could send them a message and remind him of his presence. If only he had a raven. Even a dove would do. Were there doves in Australia? Maybe he would try to outfit a kangaroo. But there was also the matter of crossing the ocean...

He rested his eyes on his Wonder Woman poster. Admirable woman, he thought.

There were lots of things Thor was full of wonder for, like the internet. He discovered cat videos the other day. The day before that he tried to do the ALS ice bucket challenge and nominated Cap, Tony Stark, and Fury to do it too, as a way to remind them of his presence. They must not have seen it.

Now what? He could try a letter, but while Cap knew what that was, he wondered if Tony would even bother to look at it. He hadn't cared for the last letter Thor has sent him: a postcard detailing his move to Australia. At least, Thor had never received a housewarming gift.

But... what about one of those electronic letters? The ones that the computer sent by invisible birds to the recipient? Would Tony see that? And Cap, for that matter.

Thor leaped out of bed and grabbed Mjolner. Darryl could help him. His roommate was at work, but Thor didn't mind. Besides, Thor liked to give back to the community, and what business wasn't blessed by his presence?


I know I didn't do it justice. I don't think anything can. 😂

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