238. Pockets

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238. Pocket: Rummage through your pockets and write about what you keep or find in your pockets.

I don't ever put anything into my pockets because I never remember to take them out before washing my pants, so we'll change this up to be for my purse!


Star Wars stickers -- a momento of our last trip to Chuck E Cheese. I wasn't very enthusiastic about going, but I did best everyone in skii ball, which was an unheard of event. I remember trying to help Charlotte choose a prize with the combined tickets of herself and me, and she being too shy to choose something in front of the man behind the counter.

Movie tickets -- from Captain America: Civil War. It was the last movie I saw and I keep the tickets there on purpose to remind me (as if I needed it) of my favorite superheroes.

A notepad -- for ideas and thoughts. They say to always carry some sort of paper along with you in case you have a stellar idea and need to get it down. Flipping through this little book, I catch upon glimpses of words, phrases, synopsis for stories, and things I find inspiration in.

A lollipop -- Grandaddy gave it to me. I intend to use it as a reward for when I next babysit. It’s amazing how well behaved kids will be when candy is involved.

Receipts -- from my latest Target hauls. They were getting rid of all of their back to school supplies and I do so adore back to school supplies. The evidence of my love is in the 23 composition notebooks stacked on my bedroom floor right now. They were only $.5 each though, so I would say that is quite a bargain.

XOXO lipstick -- for when I feel like wearing it, which is almost never. I'm not even certain that's what the brand is called. But it's there and it will likely always remain there.

Sports Academy gift card -- for looks. Because I am not sure why my aunt chose to give me this for Christmas, or what impression of athleticism I have been giving off to her. I haven't used it yet, although I make plans to go there someday. I wonder if they carry potato launchers in that store...?

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