276. Doodle

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276. Doodle: Spend some time today doodling for about 5-10 minutes. Write about the thoughts you had while doodling or inspired by your finished doodle.

My doodle turned into a sonnet.


Shall I consider love a song
Evoking hearts to places high
In pure places dwelling long
And detected in dark and light
Or shall love consent to be a sword
Shod in strength and dignity
Fighting evils in everlasting war
Sustaining home with swift feet
Yet love, in truth, is neither thing
Not song, nor sword, incomparable
It is itself a good and pure wellspring
Restoring life and joy to each soul
It is arrogance, perhaps, to name love
But it is art to write poetry in likes of


I've been thinking of making a poetry book full of sonnets, which I love to read and would love to master the composition of. What do y'all think?

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