209. Sneeze

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209. Sneeze: Write about things that make you sneeze.

Dandelions don't make me sneeze.

Dust doesn't make me sneeze.

Even a feather doesn't make me sneeze.

No, you know what makes me sneeze? The most awkward, uncomfortable, inappropriate situations ever make me sneeze. I blow out a bucket of nose snot and spit when it is most unwanted. In a funeral? I emit a loud blowing sound and spew my boogers all over my white gloves. (Not that I have actually ever worn white gloves to a funeral, but well -- you get the point.) If there's a wedding and I'm a bridesmaid, I'll sneeze into my flower bouquet under the pretense of watering the fake blooms. In a quiet, fancy store? I will try to muffle it on the inside or my shirt and then have to walk around with an unpleasant sensation of dampness on my chest...

And the eye rolls and careful avoidance of the people that know me when I do this! It's rude! They look at me like I've offended them and their progeny. My mother gives me this stare like one more upchuck of germs and my name will be blackened from the family tree.


A/N: Quick entry today. Sorry for my general lack of presence on Wattpad lately. I thought once I had graduated I'd have more time, but unfortunately, between babysitting and working, I have almost none and so I must do my writing at night! 😭 Which is probably why these little stories get so weird. Anyway, I'm hoping to get caught up on 365 Days before I start to edit While Escaping Fate, so wish me luck!

365 Days (Part 2) | ✓Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora