210. Footsteps on the Moon

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210. Footsteps on the Moon: Write about the possibility of life in outer-space

Three days until oxygen runs out.

I count it down in my head. I even know it to the hour. To the minute. Everyone does. We’re counting down to our death.

There's only a set amount of oxygen in our compound, and ever since the moon storms started, the pipes that brought fresh air from the main compound have broken. The men sent out to bring oxygen manually have not returned, and even if they could, how much would they even manage to bring back? My old dad always said we would regret the lack of plants here. Even in the main compound, where the largest garden is located, oxygen is rare and precious. In our compound, where the most greenery we have are house plants, it is an even more valued commodity.

Three days.

Production has slowed down. No one wants to be constructing the parts for the other compounds when we are about to die. It is frightening to see people lose hope.

The old timers tell stories or our original home, where it was covered in green. In the stark whiteness of our compound, it is hard to imagine that that is even possible, but sometimes we see old pictures of the place called Earth, and it is like a fantasy. A dream that someone had after too much strong alcohol. A place that no longer exists.

I have never been to the main compound, but they say the garden there stretches for miles. It is where the majority of food is grown for all compounds, and especially ours. We are completely dependant on the main compound. None of us particularly cared, until now, when we will all die because we have no way to be self-sufficient.

Sometimes I hear whispers of plans: of people who want to steal the oxygen left and trek over to the main compound themselves. They would not make it. The moon storms are too violent and they block all sight. No one is even sure that the trained men we sent earlier -- one of them being my best friend -- have made it. We're not sure of anything.

Usually these treasonous plans would not be spoken of so freely, but they are desperate. Everyone is, so we understand each other's desperation.

But we don't trust each other. I make sure to lock my door at night, half fearing being murdered by the leaders to save more oxygen for themselves. I miss Kari, but he is possibly lost among the moon storms. I may never see him again, and by the way things are looking, I won't.


A/N: Do I have a fascination with people awaiting their death or what? XD While Escaping Fate has a similar premise.

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