241. Comedy Club

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241. Comedy Club: Write something inspired by a comedian.

I realize I haven't done a "funny" story, per se, for a while, and today would be a perfect day to do it, but I'm going through angsty teenager heartbreak right now, and so this probably won't be as funny is it should be. Forgive me in advance.

Also, I don't watch any modern comedians because they tend to be kind of crude, so we're throwing it back to the immortal fifities!


Lucy scrubbed vigorously at the dress. Behind her, the door open and Ethel walked slowly in. "Hey, girl," Ethel said, with less than her usual gusto.

Glad for an opportunity to take a break, Lucy paused and turned to face her best friend. "Boy, am I wiped," Lucy exclaimed. "Did you ever get your stains..." Her voice trailed off as Ethel, anticipating the question, shook her head.

"I eventually gave up," Ethel said. She clutched her stomach, which after their impromptu feast still portruded. "I couldn't bear to look at that chocolate one more second!"

"It is sickening," Lucy said, with a curl of her upper lip and a disdainful glance at the sink. Her dress from the previous day was soaking in it, but was not any cleaner for it. Lucy hadn't anticipated when she had done it how difficult the chocolate stains would be to remove. They were in all sorts of peculiar places too: most noticeably the inside of her dress, where she had stuck the little candies frantically.

"Is Ricky still laughing hysterically about it?" Ethel asked.

"No, what about Fred?"

"Fred has the focus of a toddler. Once the fights came on, he couldn't have cared if I had grown a beard and called myself Uncle Sam," Ethel claimed.

Lucy laughed. "Good old Fred." She shook her head fondly. "Yeah, Ricky was enamored with the fights too. Honestly, Ethel, husbands are so easily distracted!"

"Tell me about it!" Ethel said, getting more animated now that she could complain about her own husband. "If we threw a bone, they would probably chase it." She motioned with her arm for emphasis.

Lucy laughed, but then something occured to her. "Hey..." she said, cocking her head. A glint came into her eye.

"Uh oh," Ethel said, and speedily made for the door, but Lucy grabbed her skirt and pulled her back.

"Now, Ethel, I didn't say anything!" Lucy said.

"I know that look in your eye," Ethel retorted.

"Trust me, it'll be fun," Lucy said, in her best wheedling voice.

"I'm still not recovered from yesterday's 'fun,' nor will I ever will be. Do you know how much weight I gained?"

"Ethel, now do you want to earn some extra money or not?" Lucy asked, with the hand not holding Ethel back fisted on her hip.


"Trust me, this will work. We can't possibly lose this bet..."

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