350. Teamwork

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350. Teamwork: Write about working with a team towards a common goal.

I would say we're in this together.

I'm a few days behind, yes, but honestly, I think I'm going to make it. I'm going to get to December 31st and complete this writing challenge.

When I started, I started with a friend of mine. She stopped sometime in January or February. I have since found two different people that do something similar to this who have, to the best of my knowledge, lasted. However, I am alone in being the only one who writes stories.

The funny thing is, I'm not really alone. I would truly not be here, at 11:30pm on a Friday night, writing #350, if not for you: You, who is reading this. You who regularly checks out my daily prattle. You who has voted, commented, added this to your library, and motivated me to keep going by those things.

I think I've gotten to know some of you pretty well. I'm guessing you know me a bit better, seeing as how many of my short stories are tales from my own life. This little book somehow led me to some amazing writers and friends.

We're almost there! I am utterly flabbergasted at that fact, because truthfully, I didn't start this expecting to finish. I thought I would get somewhere in June or July and cease. I know why I'm still going, though: It's because of all of your amazing support. Every little thing counts, and gets me going to write this.

I haven't said it enough, but thank you.

Thank you for sticking around. Thank you for being there. Thank you for the support, no matter how loud or silent. Thank you.

We're almost there, guys. Hopefully I have a few more stories left to entertain you, to distract you, and to teach you.

15 days left.

(And yes, I did forget that this year actually has 366 days. However, I have another plan for what I'm going to do on the 366th day.)

Here goes nothing.

365 Days (Part 2) | ✓Where stories live. Discover now