295. Apple a Day

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295. Apple a Day: Write about health.

Be healthy in body. Exercise, eat well, sleep. Drink plenty of water. Remember your body sustains you and without it you can do nothing. Therefore take care of it. Be good to it.

Be healthy in mind. Clense your thoughts of anything bad or dirty. Be careful of your mind and what you let in it. What you think, you become.

Be healthy in spirit. Take alone time. Spend time with other people. Do something simple that makes you happy, like talking to a friend or going on a walk or simply enjoying nature.

Be healthy in your speech. Don't place into other people's minds anything that will poison it. Don't speak of other badly of other people. Forgo foul language; it does nothing but shows lack of self-control. Instead, speak light and life and joy and praise.

Be healthy in heart. Guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life. Love others but don't depend on others for your own self-worth. You are enough.

Be healthy. Just be healthy.

Now go clean your bathroom, because it probably needs it.

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