260. Forgotten Toy

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260. Forgotten Toy: Write from the perspective a forgotten or lost toy.

Every day Jesse waited. She heard Emily go to bed and rise up, she saw Emily's feet walking around, she felt the dust settle on her. Used to Jesse would crawl to the very edge of the darkness, hoping it would be easier for Emily to see her, but when Emily never looked, Jesse quit trying.

She remembered that fateful moment so well. Emily was going to a sleepover. How excited Jesse had been! She was convinced she too would be taken along, and would play with other toys too. But when Emily had reached for her pillow, Jesse had slipped off of it and fallen down the crack between the mattress and the wall. Emily had rushed out, in her excitement not seeing. The fall hadn't hurt -- Jesse was made of sturdier stuff than that -- but Jesse was a bit disappointed to not be taken along to the sleepover.

Jesse had never thought how long she would lay under the bed, gathering dust and wishing she was human enough to cry.

Emily never looked for her. Jesse didn't understand it. Why wouldn't she? Enily was Jesse's kid. Emily loved Jesse.


So Jesse laid there for years. As a toy, she didn't need to twitch and fidget like a human. She was completely still, sometimes not even aware of herself. She focused on listening to the sounds of Emily: Emily waking up, Emily talking on the phone, Emily painting her nails with her friends. Emily, who was Jesse's whole life. Emily, who had forgotten about Jesse.

So Jesse laid there.


A/N: I work as a part time (or 3/4 time) nanny, and so I have seen Toy Story 2 around 50 times now. One time last week, I watched it three times in one day. The kids really like that movie. The story of Jesse being forgotten always makes me so sad... I included the clip above.

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