211. Star-Crossed

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211: Star-crossed: Write a short modern version of the story of Romeo and Juliet or think of real-life examples to use as inspiration for your writing.

"These violent delights have violent ends, and in their triumph die, like fire and powder, which, as they kiss, comsume."

I am a soul on fire, lit up by him as he is lit up by me. We circle around the atmosphere, sustaining each other with the potency of our love and the thrill of our daring. In each moment I have doubts, but in each  half moment he is kissing me or looking at me with the light of intense adoration and longing for adventure.

But we will destroy each other. We do it daily. Or maybe it's not we ourselves that cause the destruction, but the world that cannot stand two people like us being together. Maybe it's the world that destroys us, just as it destroys everything else.

We reach the climax, the apex, the highest point of chaotic passion we can achieve, through a haze of bad choices and rebellion, and at that moment when we are royalty, we pause and then start to spiral. And then the phones ring but aren't answered and the sadness we carried around for each other comes crashing down on us.

The coffins shut.


Hooray for midnight nonsense!

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