323. Decade

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323. Decade: Choose a favorite decade and write about it. (IE: 1980's or 1950's for example)

I don't think 1560 counts... 😔


The Roaring Twenties, with a society wild and running rampant in newly-recognized freedom. There were flappers with their smooth, implacable bobs and shapeless, spangly dresses. There were silent films, flickering and spotty. There were men with neat mustaches and spiffy hats hanging onto the sides of new, Ford cars, waving in exultation -- "Ain't she a beaut?"

And though most Americans remained wary of the trend the Twenties is marked for, for a select few young people, it was a roaring generation indeed. Radios broadcasted static voices to thousands of homes and cars puffed along every road. Home refrigeration made housewives marvel at technology. Penicillin saved lives.

But there were also the racier side of things. Jazz became prominent, with the older generation looking down upon the moral risks it posed. But with jazz came dancing, and young people loved the freedom of their toes tapping and their bodies moving without restriction or care.

There were underground speakeasies, made by prohibition, and hidden within the city. The manufacture and sale of liquor was illegal now, but not the consummation. There were rumors of pre-prohibition stockpiles, enough to last a heavy drinking man sixteen years.

And there was the women's rights movement, with the 19th Amendment opening the polls to men and women alike. Women started to work more and participate in the burgeoning economy. It was a souvenir of the wartime, when women did the jobs the men couldn't when they were busy fighting across the sea.

It was the Twenties. It was Roaring. It was the violent delight before the violent end.

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