314. Romance

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314. Romance: Write about romantic things partners can do for each other.

Oh geez! I am the most unromantic writer ever! It’s why I'm not a romance writer!


1. Touching. Random touching. Nothing big or long or hard: brief and simple. Holding hands, touching someone's shoulder, standing close. Feeling the warmth of someone you love's skin against your bare flesh. Bopping someone gently on the nose, tickling someone's feet. Stroking their hair when they need soothing or grabbing onto them when they make you laugh so hard your knees feel weak. Touching.

2. Laughing with them. Maybe at a pun, maybe at a well-crafted joke, maybe at something done comically. Never meanly, but always cheerfully. Laughing is literally your joy bursting out of you, so how can it not be romantic?

3. The menial things. Cleaning the bathroom, cooking dinner, getting gas for the car. It’s the boring stuff, but it's the crux of a marriage. Maybe it's my upbringing or my independent nature, but I'm used to doing things for myself. Someone doing something for me -- for us -- is incredibly heartwarming. Especially if it's drudge work. Isn't that love?

4. Kisses. Predictable answer, yes, because kisses are romantic. Unexpected kisses, pecks on the lips when they least expect it, passionate kisses when they want it, loving kisses done in public because your love is so much a part of you it can't be hidden behind closed doors. Kisses on the forehead, on the eyelids, on the cheeks, on the nose. Kisses everywhere, done in sacred and beautiful lovemaking; and kisses in front of your family, as an outward expression of how comfortable you are in each other's affection.

5. Simply talking. Sharing what happened during the day, what you would like to happen. Talking to God with each other and about each other. Talking to friends together, and having your names paired up as one phrase.

6. Just taking care of one another. Helping each other. Making chicken noodle soup when someone's sick and defending each other no matter what. Honoring each other. Raising children together, supporting each other's careers, helping each other make good decisions. Choosing one another.


I am the most boring person ever. 😂

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