343. Starting

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343. Starting: Write about starting a project.

The Stages of Writing

That first idea. That glimmer, that stray thought, that passing gleam of potential. It comes in the most unexpected ways and at the most unexpected times -- usually when you don't have a means to record it. It vanishes quickly, so you must capture it quicker.

The planning. That part where you embellish, and add, and give the idea substance. For some people, this stage is longer than others. But it's necessary, for a novel cannot be written off of a single sentence. You can't reach the destination without an idea of where it is. The journey is important, yes, but without a clear end, you're just a wanderer.

The first sentence. It must be important. It must be groundbreaking, earth-shattering, and totally inescapeable! Actually... it won't be. It will be mundane and awkward and so very plain that you despise it and want to scrap the idea altogether. But wait -- it can always be changed.

The rough draft. It's the drudgery that makes this part difficult. When you're in the middle of the scene, and all you're doing is building up to the climax... when you must write that essential part to your story that you're not very skillful at, whether it be dialogue or action or emotions. There is no excitement now, at least not until you reach the end. There's little motivation beyond yourself, as well. It’s just writing. It's the true test of your ability to author a story.

The waiting. "Wait," they say. "Don't edit just as soon as you finish." "But I want to..." you think, and we all know writers like to do what they want. It’s why we write. We control destiny then. But you wait, you distance yourself so when you do edit, you can be objective. You stay apart and curb your enthusiasm, for the sake of your story.

Editing. This is torture.

Editing again. You just get to look at your story and force yourself to see how terrible it really is.

Editing even more. I definitely want to give up now.

But if you persist, if you remain steadfast through all of that...

Finished. This is pride, this is accomplishment, and this is the payoff. You fought the fight and you won.

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