217. Waterfall

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217. Waterfall: Think of a waterfall you've seen in person or spend some time browsing photos of waterfalls online. Write about the movement, flow, and energy.

Smooth as satin, creamy, and like something -- a dream -- that came out of the most magical of fancies. It is an undulating sheet, but misty like it was bathed in a glow of light and itself. But it does not meet the surface of the pool with a faint hiss, but with a crash and a thunder. It meets water like it means to go to war with it, like it means to take it and make it his, like it means to dominate.  It is savage in sound and graceful in being.
Water! Smoothly gliding toward the edge of the cliff and then spilling over the side in one frantic, frenzied motion, to fall in suspense through the hazy air, like lines of fine, silver spiderwebs. Then it falls and crashes, with rigorous flailing and writhing, to integrated into the pool.

It is utter magnificence to stand and feel the spray tickling your skin, to feel the movement of air from its very force, to hear the roar of the water. It's energy, force, and power crashing together near you, and maybe, in a way, into you.

It's lovely and its utterly terrible.

A/N: Short, because I just realized exactly how behind I am with this challenge.

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