271. Patterns

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271. Patterns: Write about repeating patterns that occur in life.

Change will come and go
As regular as ebb and flow

Life is made of moments. It's not the drudgery we're going to remember when we look back, but the times when we laughed until we thought our hearts would burst, when we cried because our hearts had broken, when we were dancing in the rain, and when we were screaming just to stay sane. Life is something beautiful, and also something terrible. There's good and bad. There's happy and sad. Life is full of goodness and strife.

Every period will come to an end. Consider every blessing on the lend and every injury on the mend. Knowing everything lovely will cease to be and the ugly will eventually come to you and me doesn't mean we can't look for happiness in all that we see.

Dreading the dawn will destroy the now. It will turn it into something nasty and foul. Rather, be grateful for the present and treat it as the gift it's meant. When the new morning arrives, and you consider it ruining your lives, recall the treasures your memory stores before they can blur.

Be aware that everything has a start, and everything has a finish. Guard your heart and don't count on a wish. Go through the pain with attempted cheer, for the new period of happiness will soon be here.

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