353. Games

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353. Games: Write about the games people play - figuratively or literally.

I don't know how to play games. I don't know how to flirt or how to make someone jealous. I don't know how to interpret guy speak, so I take whatever they say at its literal meaning. This is why I am utterly confused and awkward when people play games with me.

Sometimes I worry what my niceness is seen as. I try to be kind and to treat everyone the same, but then someone asks me "Oh, were you flirting with him?" after laughing at a guy's jokes. I realize then that everyone is entrenched in these silly games, and it's only my isolated homeschooling days that kept me from learning the rules.

This is sad. Us women will overevaluate everything a man does or says. We will pick apart his facial expressions and his words to the bone. This is partly our fault, because we too are playing the game of "Does he like me, does he like me not," but it is also due to a lack of communication.

I wish we could be plain with each other. Why must we be constantly guessing about the meaning of things? Relationships are confusing, but it seems like there is a lot more befuddlement than necessary.

There were a few boys who pursued me avidly. While such attention is valued if it's someone you like, if it's not someone you like, then you're at a bit of a loss. I made my intentions clear several times, but to no avail. If only boys didn't expect us girls to play games. When I said "no," I truly meant "no." I didn't mean "maybe later," or "try harder." Apparently females don't voice their true feelings enough to invalidate my honesty.

Women, please stop trying to gain his attention. I grew up in a houseful of boys and I know what I mean when I say that they do not want your silly, petty games. You have to be plain with men. They're not going to delve fifty layers deep into one sentence like we might.

Men, let her know what you mean as well. If we don't know who is steering the ship, we tend to want to take control. (And oftentimes, we succeed.) Be intentional in word and action. Respect her enough to back down if she says so.

Above all, live in harmony with one another.


Merry Christmas to all of you beautiful people! I hope your day was filled with joy and blessings!

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