341. Forgiveness

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341. Forgiveness: Write about a time when someone forgave you or you forgave someone.

Dear Megan,

I am sorry.

I want to start by saying how sorry I am. I did you wrong, and I don't even remember why I did. There was no reason for us to hate you like that. I can't even remember anything you did wrong.

We fought like cats. We were little girls, and we were supposed to be innocent, but we were merciless. I am so sorry.

I want to blame it on age and immaturity, but it was never that. What we did, we did out of spite and plain, old-fashioned meanness. It was my own corrupt nature that spawned my hatred toward you, and not anything you did.

None of us were perfect. We were all ganging up on each other, taking sides, and backstabbing. There was no love because there was no trust. And I am ashamed enough to admit I enjoyed it. I took a perverse pleasure in the angst, the drama, and the fighting. I think we all did, or we wouldn't have started it again after being peaceful.

In the end, though, you were the one who was most hurt. It's not like you were weak and never stood up for yourself. It's not like we weren't your friends (if such a troubled relationship could be called friendship). But somehow, you did things that made us angry at you. I can't even remember what those things were, so they must not have been so bad. But you did them and we were absolutely cruel to you.

And you didn't deserve that.

I guess you could say we were all bullied, because we all bullied each other. But none of us was ever left on the opposing team. Sometimes you fought alone.

I wish I could say this to your face.

But honestly? I am afraid to face you. You remind me of some of my biggest regrets.

I am sorry. I am so sorry.

Megan, I am different now. I promise you I am different and this apology is genuine and sincere. I wish I could take it all back. I really do.

I pray to God that nothing we -- I -- said then ever affected you.

But how could have not? It affected me.

I hope you are well. Even if you can't ever forgive me, please know that I am sorry.

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