346. Underground

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346. Underground: Imagine living in a home underground and use that as inspiration for writing.

This was going to be a normal story, but then my brain got in the way...


GOSH. I wish my parents would leave me alone already. They've got, like, a bajillion kids, but I'm the only one they choose to bother. I meam, sure, I'll willingly admit I'm their biggest disappointment, but that doesn't mean they have to be constantly griping at me all the time. It's enough that my siblings are always treating me like I should be trodden underfoot because of how I am. I can't help it that I was born oh-so defective.

"Work, work, work," they're always saying, like they're some kind of Harmony. They're all this one big team with the rest of our community, and I'm just this little oddball that they might get tired of at any moment and eat.

Well, whatever. I get it -- I caused the largest and only traffic jam in our colony because of my laziness, but I had a really good morsel of food and I wanted to eat it right then, dag nabbit. And okay, so maybe me not doing anything while the rest of my siblings scouted and gathered food was a little selfish. But I was tired!

My parents just shake their heads and click at me, like, Please, someone, squash this thing for us so we don't have to.

Ugh. My life.

It’s just that I don't feel like doing anything. Everyone else has this obsessive urge to work and be productive, while I just... eat. I eat a lot. And I don't really feel like going to the surface and having to deal with other creatures and stuff. I don't get why anyone would want to leave our home. The tunnels are so nice and warm, and the stockpiles of food so lovely. I'm currently banned from taking any food from them though.

To be perfectly honest, I just don't like moving.

Of course, that's just a scandalous thing to admit. But what if I want to stay and home and, I don't know, sleep all day? What was the harm in that?

I'd tell you more, but I'm tired just talking about being tired. Also, I still have to go help carry food from an apple core back to our base. At least it's not far and the risk of death is slight.

Being an ant isn't easy, especially when you're lazy. For me, it seems perfectly reasonable to dislike work. After all, hundreds of us die while working. That's why life insurance is so hard to get. No, sir, I prefer to stay inside my nice ant hole, thank you very much.

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