213. Schedule

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213. Schedule: Take a look at your calendar and use the schedule for inspiration in writing.

A/N: I think I forgot to say that I'd be gone for the weekend and there wouldn't be an update. The place I went actually did have wifi and I had plenty of time to write, but it was nice to take a break from the internet. And I got some chapters for By Valentine's Day: Andy done, which was excellent. :)


There's something about simplicity that's beautiful. Something in the clean lines of fresh linen and the shine of wiped down counters. In the measured notes of a piano. Of falling asleep listening to voices through the walls. Of letting someone else take the lead. There's something utterly, perplexedly gorgeous in sitting in solitude and letting the world wash over you.

I think that's why minimalism is so popular. People have discovered how clean their minds are when they aren't surrounded by physical clutter.

I spent the weekend away from wifi, from duty, and from home. It wasn’t so much breathtaking as it was a deep inhalation of air. It was renewing. There was an acre of land, and a one-story house, and an abundance of food. Heat, that lovely Texas heat I'm so fond of, pounding on my skin. There were sleepy car rides and wild cats stepping lightly across the lawn, casting you disdainful glances when you tried to call them.

There was conversation between grown-ups you weren't required to participate in. There was a bowl of grapes and another bowl of stawberries to nibble from while coloring from adult coloring books. There was mental stimulation as I solved logic puzzles from an app.

And at night, there were dim lights and everyone crowded onto worn leather couches that insisted you not sit up straight and made you slid down into a sort of slump. There were maroon blankets being shared, due to the coldness inside the house. There was popcorn coming from crinkly bags, and my mother stretched across me, her head resting on my side. On the television screen, there were Marvel superheros: Thor being adorably, innocently, sexily arrogant; Ant-Man being awkward; both having epic fight scenes, blunders, and moments of true heroism through sacrifice.

Then there was sliding between the sheets and resting.


A/N: Tried to do something different here, focusing more on impressions to tell a story. Also, I had a very relaxing weekend, haha.

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