266. Railroad

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266. Railroad: Write about a train and its cargo or passengers.

A child, brought along for the birthday party.

A child, asked to look up and what did she see?

A child, protected and small

A child, seeing a train most tall

A man, older and older is he

A man, asked what he wanted his birthday to be

A man, who loves the old steam trains,

A man, to ride one would be fain

A family, along the track they go

A family, with joy and love in tow

A family, celebrating the oldest one

A family, with a trip he counts fun


I nave vague memories of riding a good, old-fashioned steam train for my grandaddy's birthday many years ago. I remember when we walked along the streets by it, and I saw a piggy bank I liked. That Christmas that piggy bank found its way to me, and even now sits on my shelf.

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