219. So Ironic

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219. So Ironic: Write about an ironic situation you've been in throughout your life.

Oh geez. Okay. Story time.

There was this dude I knew in middle school. His name was Devon and he was actually my brother's best friend. (No one in my real life actually knows that I have a Wattpad, because quite frankly, allowing them to read my stories and see my heart is terrifying to me, but I've been recently thinking I might let people know... so if you're reading this Devon, hallooo.) I had a pretty big crush on Devon. I don't know that it was love necessarily, but it was something... I liked him. I liked him a lot.

He was always over, and was like another brother to me. I even wrote love letters to him, some of which have made their way into 365 Days.

How to describe Devon? Well, he was kind, he was smart, and he was funny. At the time I never thought he would ever like me, but when I read back through my journal during that time, years later, it struck me that he must have liked me.

In those days, my brother had taken to calling me a demon, and, truth be told, I was very good at being scary. One time he told Devon such, but Devon looked straight at me and said, "I don't think she's a demon." He was also very nice about letting me tag along. He used to give me gifts; I still have this purse mirror he gave me, because things like that are eternally handy. The kicker was my guinea pig, though.

I owned a guinea pig, and Devon was simply fascinated by it. I wrote in my diary one day, "It's not even lunchtime and Devon's already been in to see my guinea pig three times! I'm going to start charging him."

Then it struck me later how odd that was, for a teenage boy to be so into a rodent. I mean, yes, they're kin, but still, how strange...

He and my brother grew apart and thus, so did me and him. I saw him occasionally, as he actually lived just down the street from me, but I barely talked to him. I noticed he got really cute, though... But eventually the torch I held for him burned out and he was just an old memory I look back on fondly.

I was pretty sure he had a crush on me then, though, because his behavior was not normal, and I did regret never asking him about it...

Then, recently, I find out via Facebook that he is now gay.

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