331. Recipe

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331. Recipe: Write something inspired a favorite recipe.

She liked memories. To her, they were things of high value and ought to be perserved at every opportunity. Everyone else laughed at her, perhaps, but she had her own priorities. Her camera was frequently used and her phone constantly had to be cleaned to make room for more pictures and videos. If she wanted to -- and she certainly did -- she could track her children's growth from even before they were born.

That's why she started her blog. It was for the memories, and she was also the type of person born and bred for social media: she liked to share her life wherever she could.  Though not enough of a writer to keep a regular blog, she was enough of a cook to make a food blog. She posted recipes for her kids: all of the time-honored dishes they loved. When her kids were old enough, they would have them at the tips of their fingers.

The first blog post she ever made had to be special. It was a recipe for a pasta her mother-in-law made for her and her husband the day she came home from the hospital, after giving birth to their first child. Thinking the new parents would want a homemade meal but wouldn't feel up to cooking, the mother-in-law prepared it for them and brought it over -- also taking the opportunity to spend some time fawning over her new grandchild.

It was a simple dish, but delicious and every time they ate it since, warm memories came with it. It’s why she saved it, it's why she treasured it, it's why she made a blog devoted to her family's favorites dishes. Food is such a wonderful thing; it has a high likelihood of placing people in good moods. Some of her best memories took place while sitting at the dinner table.

So she wrote a blog about it. People may call her silly, but when she thought about it, apart from their opinions, she didn't feel silly at all.

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