The One With The Field Trip.

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Peter slowly made his way to his locker to drop off his books before heading to his first period. Chemistry. Now don't get me wrong Peter loves chemistry as well as all of the other sciences but he already knows all of what they teach at school, I mean his dad is the Tony Stark and his uncle is Dr Bruce Banner.

So to say that he found the lesson boring is an understatement, he always finished the work within the first ten minutes and the teachers never had anything more challenging.

"Hey dude." Ned smiled as he came up behind Peter, Peter only smiled in return. "You excited for chemistry?"

"Sure, I'm really excited to spend an hour doing nothing because I'm like ten times smarter then all of the teachers!" Peter replied, the sarcasm dripping off of his tongue. "Come on, we are going to be late."

The bell rang as Peter and Ned made there way to their class, they sat down at their usual seats in the back corner. There was big writing on the board that read SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT!

"What do you think it is?" Ned ask looking at Peter and MJ, who was already in the class when they had arrived.

"Probably some stupid test we are going to have, maybe a guest speaker?" Peter guessed not really sure on who it could be. He turned to face the front while the teacher entered the classroom.

"I have an exciting announcement to make!" Ms Warren yelled silencing the class. "I contacted all of your parents and already got their permission as today we have a surprise field trip!"

The class erupted in fits of excitement except for Peter, who hated field trips ever since he had gotten bitten by a radioactive on one, and MJ who had her nose stuck in a book.

"Quite down, I haven't even told you where its too yet!" Ms Warren shushed the class but they were all still whispering. "It's to Avengers Tower!"

Once again the class erupted into excited chatter, Peter groaned and hit his head on the desk silently praying this was a sick joke. His family was going to be so embarrassing.

"Whats wrong Penis, scared that your lie about the internship is going to be revealed?" Flash sneered from the other side of the room. Peter went to reply but got interrupted by the teacher.

"Now class we need to get going so if everyone could calmly make their way to the bus." The class did go to the bus but it was anything but calm, Peter slowly walked behind dreading what was about to come.

Once everyone was on the bus they set off towards the tower, the ride was spent with Peter complaining towards Ned, while Ned was practically bouncing in his seat.

"Ned calm down, this is serious this is going to be the last time you ever see me!" Peter hit his head on the seat in front which MJ was sat in. Ned just rolled his eyes at how dramatic his best friend was being.

"Oh look at this, is Penis scared that everyone is going to find out about his big lie!" Flash laughed from his seat.

"Oh piss off Flash, he obviously isn't lying!" MJ rolled her eyes annoyed by Flash, who went to defend himself but the bus suddenly stopped signaling that they had arrived.

"Okay class we have arrived, please behave and if you don't you will be sent to wait on the bus until the end!" Everyone made their way off of the bus and stared up at the magnificent building, Peter just looked at the floor as he had been here a million times since he lived here. Even MJ looked slightly amazed but she soon went back to her book.

They all made their way into the lobby and Ms Warren went to sign them in, she soon came back with a tour guide following her.

"Hello Midtown, My name is Jennifer and I'll be your tour guide today!" She smiled a genuine smile before continuing, "Now you all will be given a badge, there are 10 different levels of badges. 1 is for delivery's and cleaners, 2 is for tours and paparazzi, 3 is for lower level inters and 4 is for higher level inters. 5 is for new workers, 6 is for lower level scientists and 7 is for higher level scientists and inventors. 8 is for shield agents, 9 is for the avengers who don't live here but often visit as well as family to the avengers and 10 if for the avengers who live here and an unknown individual. "

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