The One Where They Don't Believe Him.

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This isn't a spidey story so feel free to skip, it is however a IronHusbands oneshot so if you like that ship then you are in luck!


It had been a couple of weeks since the battle of New York and the new team were settling into their new home at Stark Tower. 

A couple of things that the team had noticed since being at the tower, one being that Tony seemed to wear a wedding ring yet no one had never seen a spouse. Ever. 

At first they ignored it assuming it was some family heirloom (it was just not his) but then Tony mentioned a husband and they couldn't ignore it anymore. 

"My honeybear, it the most amazing cook." Tony had said casually at dinner one night. The other five at the table gave him a confused look but he kept talking. "You guys should try his cooking some time I think you guys would like it."

Most eyes flickered to the ring on his finger, a couple of them had even suggested it was for show but it was never on the news. They were the only one he had trusted to know, apart from Pepper, happy and of course Rhodey's family knew as well as Jarvis.

Howard didn't know, he could never know.

"Honeybear?" Steve asked, he considered maybe someone forgot to tell him Tony was married but then again he had read his file and not once did it mention a file.

His thoughts were confirmed when Natasha, face as neutral as ever, seemed confused too.

"Yea my honeybear." Tony seemed just as confused before a look of understanding came over his face. "Oh! Yea my husband."

"You're married?" Bruce asked softly, before taking a bite of the food in front of him. 

"You're gay?" Clint quickly back tracked. "Not that there is anything wrong with that!"

"I did your evaluation my self if you were married it would be in the files." Natasha kept a even tone as she spoke. 

"We wanted to keep it private." Tony shrugged. "Only Jarvis was at the wedding, the original not the AI." 

"Congratulations on being wed man of iron!" Thor boomed loudly. "I cannot wait to meet the man who has captured your heart!"

"Thanks Thor." Tony laughed lightly.

He was glad that everyone excepted him because although they had only lived together for a couple of weeks Tony loved these guys and he didn't know what he would do if they didn't.


This was not the last time Tony's secret husband was mentioned. He spoke regularly about the man he loved, only ever with ridiculous nicknames which wasn't on purpose that was just how he had always referred to Rhodey.

But over the year they had lived in the tower the team had not once met the mystery man.

"I'm just saying." Clint started. Steve, Bruce, Natasha and him were lounging around the living room. "There's no proof of a husband! We've been here for a year and we've never seen him!"

None of them noticed when Tony stopped just outside the room. He was coming to give the team some upgrades on the gear but after hearing the conversation he stopped.

"I spied on him for a long time and not once was there a husband." Natasha replied. Thats because it was a secret Tony thought.

"I know you're right." Steve sighed. "But why would he lie?"

"Maybe he was lying to impress us?" Bruce said in the same soft tone he always spoke in and Tony had to admit it hurt a bit more knowing Bruce didn't believe him then anyone else.

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