The One Where The Hoodies Expose Him.

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This is a part two to The One With The Hoodies so make sure you read that one first. Also there might be some triggering themes so read with care!!


Everyone was silent, staring at Peter who was smiling down at the hello kitty lunch box his boyfriend had just handed him.

"You're dating Deadpool?!" Ned yelled breaking the silence.

Soon everyone was yelling questions and he was worried he was going to have sensory overload.

"How did you guys meet?"

"Isn't he a mercenary?"

"Doesn't that mean he kills people for a living?"

"I heard he's good in bed! Is it true?"

The last question made him look up, breaking him out of the panic attack that he was sure would have happened.

He glanced over and saw Wade smirking at him, no one had noticed him slip back in the room.

Feeling a sudden sense of bravery he stood up on the table and silenced everyone.

"We met when he saved me about a year ago." That was technically true except Peter was out as Spider-Man and had saved him from having his hand cut off.

He was horrified when Wade cut off his own hand in return and told him it'd grow back.

"We kept running into each other and we became friends and then more." He decided to avoid the part where he was Spider-Man.

"He was a mercenary and he did kill people but he stopped because I told him I didn't like it."


"I would do anything for you Peter Parker. Anything at all." Wade had whispered.

They were both sat on a tall building in costume, holding hands out of sight. Not that anyone would be able to see them all the way up here.

"Anything." Peter whispered back not wanting to break the quite.

"Anything at all."

"Would you...Would you steal for me?" He wasn't sure why he asked that, he knew Wade would.


"Would you... Die for me?"

"Of course."

"Would you... Kill for me?"

"All you have to do is ask."

Peter thought for a moment, he knew what he wanted to ask but was scared anyway.

"Would you stop killing for me."

"What?" Wade titled his head slightly.

"Would you stop killing for me." Peter had asked again quieter this time.

"Do you want me too." Wade asked his tone matching Peters.

"Yes." Peter nodded. "I don't want you to get in trouble. I can't lose anyone else."

"Then I'll stop."


That was probably the day he well and truly fell in love with the mess that is Wade Wilson.

"And you are correct he is good in bed!" Peter winked at Wade but of course no one noticed their interaction they were to busy whispering to each other. "Any more questions."

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