The One With The Safe House.

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"Don't." Steve cuts Tony off.

"That went well." Tony continues as if he hadn't heard Steve at all, and knowing Tony he probably hadn't.

They were all sat on the Quinjet battered and bruised, and honestly a little bit pissed off.

They had a mission.

It went bad.

It always goes bad, but they still try because that's their job. Tony is really starting to think about retiring. He loves the thrill of the fight too much though.

The mission wasn't even supposed to be that hard, get in and get out.

Metaphorically anyway. This weeks bad guy, some guy who called himself 'The Clown' (which, what a dumb fucking name) was actually outside the entire time.

Still it started off just them (the original six, plus Bucky, Sam and Spider-Man) fighting some dumb ass in a clown costume but then, out of no where, he summoned  a bunch of little minions that in Tony's professional opinion looked like they were a cross between a gargoyle and an actual piece of shit.

Who was he to judge though.

The clown got away last minute, when they were all surrounded by those little fuckers and god Tony really regrets coming on this mission.

Meaning they couldn't go home.

Because Tony was never one for subtlety and had his name written on tower in probably the biggest size possible.

Until the Clown was caught they would need to find somewhere to stay where no one would find them.

"I can't even be bothered to yell at you." Steve sighed tiredly, rubbing a hand down his face in hopes that he could will the need to sleep away.

"What now, Stevie?" Bucky asked, the only one here Steve would never get mad at. Unlike Tony, who Steve was mad at a solid ninety percent of the time.

"I don't know Buck." He sighed again, leaning back in his seat so that hes resting against the wall. "Anyone got anywhere we can lay low?"

Tony watched as Steve scanned everyone on the Jet, they all shook their heads no, Steve sighed again. He had been doing that a lot recently.

He didn't even spare a glance at  Tony, skipping right over him until his eyes landed on Spider-Man.

"What about you Spidey, you must have a family somewhere?" Steve asked.

The team knew very little about Spider-Man, they knew that Tony recruited him and that he was very against showing the team who he was under the mask but that was about it.

Spider-Mans eyes squinted as he stared at Steve for a moment, then his eyes flickered to Tony briefly before they were back on Steve.

"My biological family is all dead." He replied, his voice very obviously masked by a voice changer but no one ever calls him out on it. The last time anyone had brought up anything even close to that, Clint ended up in the Med-bay.

(He hadn't even been the one to ask).

"Biological?" Nat asked, as if she was able to figure out something just from that. Tony doubted it, he knew that she just pretended to know everything (although sometimes, she'll mention something she has no way of knowing and it makes Tony wonder).

The glare that Spidey shot her could rival that of Bucky's on one of his bad days.

She held her hands up in mock surrender, smirking as she did.

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