The One Where They Have Career Day.

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Peter was never really a fan of career day. To his peers he was the Puny Orphaned Penis Parker the one who never had anyone to go with him.

To his family he was Peter Barnes-Stark that was adopted when he was five after his family had been brutally murdered in front of him.

Oh and he also just happened to be Spider-Man.

But even if he had an amazing super hero family he still didn't have anyone to go with on career day.

I mean sure he hadn't actually asked anyone to come but they had never been able to before, they were either too busy with missions and work or were to worried about the media finding out about him being their son.

Peter was cut out of his thoughts by a paper ball hitting the back of his head.

He turned to glare at Flash who was obviously the one who had thrown it, turning back to face the front where Betty's dad was talking about being a cop, he opened the note.

Aww does poor Penis not have anyone to come with him.

Rolling his eyes at the stupid attempt at bullying, Peter scrunched the more back into a ball and shoved it into the depth of his bag.


After a couple more parents had gone the teacher turned to Peter with a sympathetic smile.

"Peter, do you have anyone with you?" Peter, who had expected the question, shook his head slightly upset.

Ned rubbed his shoulder slightly in an attempt to comfort him.

Just as Flashes stuck up parents had gotten to the front of the classroom, the door opened and in walked non other then Tony and Bucky Barnes-Stark.

"Sorry we're late." Tony gave his signature smirk as he scanned all the stun students. "Kid forgot to tell us about it."

"Uh Mr Stark-"

"Mr Barnes-Stark." Bucky interrupted.

"Why are you here." The teacher finished.

"For career day?" Tony was slightly confused at the question. His face lit up when he finally spotted Peter who was smiling beyond belief.

They came!

"Hey kiddo." His pops ruffled his hair as the couple sat in the empty seats beside him. "I have a feeling you didn't forget to tell us."

"Didn't think you'd come." Peter mumbled back.

"Of course we'd come Underoos." Tony gave his son a side hug. "Well what are we waiting for? On with the show!"

Everyone seemed to realise that they had been staring at the three and turned their attention back to the front of the class where Flash and his parents stood.

They began telling everyone about how they were scientists and spent most of their time inventing things.

Peter did noticed that Flash seemed angry at the fact that someone turned up to talk for Peter especially since it was two Avengers.

It was amusing for him to hear his dad scoff and mutter complaints about how the things they were saying weren't actually true.

"Thank you Mr and Mrs Thompson!" The teacher smiled. "Peter since you now have people here would you like to go next?"

Peter nodded his head enthusiastically, the smile never leaving his face as he dragged his dads up to the front.

"Woah slow down kid, popsical over there might break a hip!" Tony chuckled.

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