The One Where They Are In A Meeting.

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Tony Stark hates meetings.

They are boring and unnecessary. Everything said in them could be said in an email that he would never read.

He hate meetings with the Avengers even more.

Why would he want to spend time with arrogant arseholes, and that's saying something coming from him, when he could be spending time with his husband and son.

He would just skip the meeting but Fury came storming into his home and demanded he came.

Normally Tony would have said no but he didn't want Fury to see his very secret son and his very secret husbands in the very secret living room.

Well the living room wasn't a secret but you get the point.

So here he was sat in a meeting with people he didn't want to be with, with the exception of Bruce and Rhodey because he actually like them.

The meeting consisted of him, Steve, Rhodey, Natasha, Clint, Sam, Bucky and Bruce. Everyone else was either on vacation or a mission.

"Tony are you even listening." Steve sighed.

"Yea of course I am!" Steve rolled his eyes and carried on speaking.


"Papa I want to see daddy!" A five year old Peter Stark-Strange cried.

"I know buddy but he'll be back before you know it." A extremely tired Stephen said while he walked around with his son on his hip, trying to get him to stop crying.

"But he said we could spend the day together!" More tears began to fill the young boys eyes.

"I know he did Petey but then the mean mister pirate man came in and reminded daddy that he had an important meeting with the Avengers to go to." He tried to stay calm but as much as he loves his son, he was getting annoyed.

"But-" Peter was about to complain again when Stephen had an idea.

"How about I teach you some magic!"

"Yes please papa!" Peter had never looked so excited in his life, after sending a picture to Tony and Wong he began teaching his son how to open portals.


The meeting was still going on and Tony was even more annoyed then before, he just wanted to go home!

His thoughts on how to escape were interrupted by his phone going off.

Everyone in the room glared at him but he didn't care it could be important! He was pleasantly surprised when he opened his phone and saw a picture of Peter looking so excited.

Wizard: I told him I would teach him magic if he stopped crying, he so cute!

Tin-Can: Maybe you can teach him how to make portals so I can get out of this meeting.

Wizard: I'll do my best ;)

Wizard: I love you

Tin-Can: I love you too

Tony smiles down at his phone, how could someone so amazing love him?

"Stark! Talking to another one night stand are you?" Sam looked annoyed.

"No! I don't do that any more!" He exclaimed. How dare he think he would cheat on Stephen! Oh right they don't know about him.

"No offence Stark, but I don't believe that one bit." Clint added.

Rhodey gave his friends a sympathetic smile, he was the only one who knew about his son and husband.

Tony looked down at his lap and sighed. He had changed why couldn't they see that!

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