The One With The Crush.

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Hi! This one is another WinterFalcon one and doesn't have any Peter in it so feel free to skip if you don't like it :D


Sam's not sure how it got to this point.

To him casually eating lunch with actual superhero's when he's nothing more then a soldier who happened to be in a program where he had robotic wings.

It could have been a hundred other people who got picked.

But it was him.

It didn't make sense, that it was him who got this and not someone more deserving, someone like Riley.

It can all get a little overwhelming at points.

Like when he's racing against Captain America and the Winter Soldier and he knows they're running slower so that he can keep up.

He appreciates it, really, especially on the days when they don't slow down because they know that he needs to be alone.

To be able to clear his head and focus on the sound of his feet hitting the pavement rather than Bucky and Steve teasing him or each other.

And honestly, Sam loves his life.

Loves being able to have conversations with people who get what it's like to have been in combat, to see things that make it hard to sleep at night, to have done things that made them not want to sleep at all.

He loves being able to talk to some of the greatest minds in the world and to be able to train against people who want him to learn and get better rather just trying to beat him to be the best there is.

But, again, sometimes it all gets a little overwhelming.

So as much as he loves his life, loves the Avengers, training, helping people...

And Bucky.

It's just easier to get away.

To go home and visit his sister and maybe his brother too, if it seems appropriate and to not be the Falcon.

To just be big brother Sam and get to mess around with his nephew and for just a short few hours not be expected to save someone's life.

To go an hour without thinking about Bucky.

Which, he should be doing anyway, they're friends and colleagues and this crush of his is inappropriate.

He's trying to force it to go away, trying to force himself not to stutter and fall over his words like a schoolgirl with a crush on the quarterback every time Buckys shirt lifts a little too high and shows a slither of skin.

Sam won't admit, not even to himself, that the reason he came home in the first place was not because of superhero's and having to save the world and the enormous amount of pressure that went hand in hand with that but because of Bucky.

Bucky and all the things Sam isn't quite ready to talk about yet.

And to get away from the looks that Steve has been giving him lately, one that tells him that he's figured something out, something heavy and Sam doesn't know what it is.

Knows Steve won't tell him either.

So yeah, he ran away to get away from Bucky and his crush and the looks from Steve.

It's stupid really.

He's two hundred and forty pounds and six feet of pure muscle and yet here he is scared of a school yard crush.

If she was still alive, his mother would call him an idiot and tell him to get over himself.

To go and tell Bucky how he feels and stop acting like the dumb bitch he's being.

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