The One With The Letter.

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Dear Mr Stark,

                           With all due respect -which is a lot I mean you're Ironman, one of Earths mightiest hero's so of course it's a lot- I fucking hate you.

I hate you so fucking much.

My therapist says that I don't really hate you.

She says that me saying I hate you is my way of dealing with what you did.

I think she's wrong.

She say that I'm in denial.

I still think she's wrong.

I got a therapist by the way, May forced me to go to one. I can't stand seeing May cry so I did what she asked. Even though I think it's stupid.

It is stupid.

Lynn (my therapist), wants me to write a letter to tell you how I feel. To get my feelings down on paper to help me map out where the anger is coming from.

Again I think it's stupid.

But if writing this stupid letter that you'll never read is what gets Lynn, which is a dumb fucking name, of my back I'll write a letter to who ever the hell she wants.

She gave me some things that I could tell you if I couldn't think of anything to write. To "get the conversation flowing" as if this is a letter.

A letter that we both know will never be sent.

Here's the list of things she wants me to tell you:

1. I got into MIT.

I'm actually pretty proud of that one, I only applied because of you. You and Rhodey went to MIT, I loved hearing stories about it.

You told me to apply, you told me that I was smart enough to get in.

And I was.

May said I should tell you. I'm not going too.

Because fuck you.

2. I finally asked Mj out.

She said yes. I was going to do some grand romantic gesture but she would have called me a loser for being so sappy.

I asked her while we were studying in my room.

It wasn't romantic but I don't think that matters too much because she said yes anyway.

We've been going on dates since then and she makes me so happy that sometimes I forget that I hate you.

3. You died.

You died.

And I'm so fucking mad at you all of the time for doing that, for dying when I still need you.

I hate you so much.

Expect I think Lynn might be right and I don't actually hate you. It's just so much easier to hate you.

Because if I don't hate you then I'll just miss you and I'm not sure my heart could take missing you all of the time.

If I hate you then I don't have to think about the fact that you were my dad and you're gone and I'm not sure what to do without you.

I won't have to think think about how I've lost three father figures and even though I should be used to it, it still hurts.

So if it's alright with you sir, not that you have much of choice being dead and all, I'd really like to stay being mad at you.

Fuck you for dying and fuck you for leaving me.

I fucking hate you.

                 Peter Parker.


Two updates in under a week, that's a lot considering how little I've been updating recently.

This chapter is kinda short tho so maybe it doesn't really count idk.

I am working on some request n hopefully at least one of them will be done soon.

As always no promises though.

I really appreciate all the people that read this, I love all of you n I hope y'all are doing okay.

Stay safe my dudes!

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