The One Where He Stays.

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This is part 2 to The One Where He Leaves so make sure you read that first!


After Peter had finished crying, Tony showed him to what used to be his room. He had upgraded the bed long ago just incase so it was no longer a crib.

No one had been in that room, Tony always kept it locked so pretty much everything but the bed was exactly the same as it had been the day they left.

Tony helped his son into bed and placed a soft kiss to his forehead, turning the lights off as he left.

He leans against the wall for a moment just breathing.

"Tony?" He looked up and saw Steve awkwardly standing in his own doorway a couple doors down. "You okay?"

"Yea. It's just a lot y'know." Steve nodded as if he understood and maybe he does. But something in Tony doubts that, he can't understand. "I'm sure you guys have a lot of questions."

Steve nodded silently it was hard to see in the dark hallway. Steve's room was the furthest away from where Peters was since Tony's room was opposite it and although they were a team again he still wasn't comfortable with him sleeping so close. So he had not a single doubt in his mind that everyone else was listening from there own rooms.

"I'll explain at breakfast." Tony stood up straight and walked the short distance across the hall to his own room. He placed his hand on the door handle before turning back to Steve. "It's a lot and I don't want to wake Peter."

"Okay." Steve said quietly as he nodded. Tony bid him goodnight before stepping into his room and closing the door behind him.

He leant against the newly shut door and slid down it until he was sat on the floor. He took a few deep breaths and ran a shaky hand through his hair.

"I'm okay." He whispered to himself. "I'm okay. Everything's okay."

"Sir?" Fridays voice spoke up softly as to not startle the man. It made him jump anyway. "Would you like me to contact anyone?"

"No. I'm okay Fri. Promise." He flashed a smile at the ceiling even if he knew there were no cameras in this room.

He stayed on the ground for a few more moments but eventually dragging himself up and into his bed, not bothering to change out of the shirt and trousers he had been wearing.


Surprisingly, Tony was the first one up. This normally only happened after a night in the lab and that was only because he had yet to go to sleep.

It was six in the morning but it was a Sunday so Steve and Sam skip their run, thus leaving whoever was first to wake up to make breakfast instead of the two early birds.

Most Saturdays it was still Steve and Sam since they were used to waking up early, sometimes Nat would join them. Occasionally it has been Bruce and Thor even Clint has made it once or twice.

But never has it been Tony. Hell half of them had never even seen Tony before noon unless he was on his way to get coffee after an all nighter.

There was a reason for that however. No one ever thought to ask why one day out of the blue, Tony stopped having a normal sleep schedule.

(The same way no one asked why he suddenly invited everyone to come stay at the tower rather then where ever they were staying before. If they did ask they would have been told that Stephen had just left and it suddenly felt way to empty even if they didn't know who he was.)

It was because him and Stephen used to make breakfast together, everyday and every Sunday they would make pancakes.

After Stephen left and took Peter with him, he just stopped. Breakfast was their version of a family dinner, Stephen worked late at the hospital and Tony would normally be in meetings till the late afternoon.

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