The One With Uncle Sam.

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Contrary to popular belief Sam does not in fact hate Peter.

Although he won't admit it to a lot of people he loves his nephew more then pretty much anybody.

Sure he's a bit salty that a fifteen year old is stronger the him but there's nothing he wouldn't do for the kid.

So you can probably imagine how angry he would be if he found out that someone was picking on his nephew.


It was a quite day in the Avengers tower since everyone except Sam was on a mission, he didn't mind not being the only one not to go since it meant he could spend some time with Peter.

Sam was just chilling on the sofa trying to kill time before the spider-kid would get home when his phone rang.

"Hello?" Sam greeted.

"Hey Sam it's Happy." The man on the other end of the line said. "I hate to tell you so late but somethings come up and I can't pick Peter up, could you do it?"

"Yea sure no problem man, what time does he finish?" Sam was kind of excited, he could take him out for ice cream or something.

"Like soon? You'll need to leave now." Sam said okay and they said goodbyes as Sam headed out of the door.


Peter was in his last class of the day, he was glad the day would be over soon. He got to hang out with his Uncle Sam today!

He was staring at the clock and waiting for the bell to ring, he looked to his right to see his girlfriend, Michelle drawing in her sketchbook.

He was busy admiring her when the bell rang. He jumped out of his seat, gathered all his stuff, kissed Mj on the cheek before sprinting out the door.

He was almost out of sight of the class when the annoying voice of Flash came from behind him.

"Hey Penis! Where do you think you're going!" Peter rolled his eyes and turned around.

He saw Ned giving him a sympathetic look from where he was stood by his locker. He couldn't see Mj, she was probably in detention drawing people in crisis.

She was amazing.

"What do you want Flash I kind of have plans." Peter just wanted to leave and hang with his Uncle.

"What with your parents? Oh wait!" Flash and his goons laughed at his terrible joke. Peter looked sadly at the floor, he knows his parents loved him right?

I mean sure he barely knew them but he knew for sure his new dads loved him! And so did his aunt and uncle as well as all of his new family.

"Good one Flash. Are you done now?" The spiderling rolled his eyes. Flash looked pissed now, he did not enjoy him talking back.

Flash's friends grab his arms and shoved him against the lockers. Flash then proceeded to punch and kick him while Ned tried to get him to stop.


Sam was getting worried Peter was supposed to be out like ten minutes ago.

He was parked where happy always was so that Peter wouldn't get confused and think that someone had forgotten to pick him up.

Most of the other kids had left although there were still a couple hanging around.

He decided to go in and find him, he was getting worried. What if something had happened to him! Tony and Bucky would kill him for sure!

Sam was out of the car and walking the halls of the school when he heard a bunch of yelling and cheering.

He moved quickly down the hallway and turned the corner at the end. There he found a group of kids watching what he assumed to be a fight, he was going to leave when he heard something that made his blood run cold.

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