The One Where They Get Yelled At.

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This chapter starts directly after The One Where They Both Get Kidnapped so make sure you read that one first!


"Uh oh." Steve whispered.

"Uh oh is right." Pepper said as she made her way to stand next to May. "So I see you guys got pardoned."

They all nodded.

"You guys are idiots!" She turned to face Peter and Tony.

"Wha-" Tony was cut off before he had the chance to finish speaking.

"You guys got kidnapped!" She raised her voice slightly. "And then May had to come save you!"

"What if she had gotten hurt! What if you guys had gotten even more hurt then you did!" She moved her hands around widely as she spoke.

Tony and Peter sat in shocked silence looking guilty.

"And then I would have had to leave it up to these idiots," she gestured to the rogue avengers. "To save you!"

"Pep it's okay." Tony stood up and pulled his wife into a hug. "We're okay."

"You could have been hurt and there would have been nothing I could do about it." She started to cry lightly.

"Hey I'm Ironman and Pete is Spider-Man." Tony whispered into her hair. "You aren't getting rid of us for a long, long time."

When Tony pulled away to wipe her tears Peter pulled her into a hug.

"We're okay mum." He whispered. "I'm sorry for worrying you."

"It's okay. Are you both okay?" She leant back so she could get a full look at Peters face, she ran her fingers over a couple of cuts but decided that he would be fine.

"Okay you guys should rest, sit back down." She pushed them gently into there seats, May also sat with them, before turning around to face the others.

"So?" She raised an eyebrow. "What do you have to say for yourselves."

"I'm sorry?" Steve asked slightly confused.

"Oh I bet you are." She shook her head angrily. "You guys lied to, hurt and then left him for dead." She pointed to Tony.

"And then you come in here and act as if his sister is someone who can't handle a couple of Hydra agents." She crossed her arms across her chest. "Do you ever get sick of thinking you are better then everyone!"

"You haven't even apologised!" She yelled.

"There's been a lot of people yelling at us, we haven't really had time too." Natasha snapped back.

"You do not get to snap at me!" Pepper took a step forward. "You do not get to act like you aren't in the wrong!"

She took another step.

"You betrayed him again!" She paused for a second. "So stop acting like you are the earths mightiest hero's! You gave up that title when you went against all those country's for one man."

"I get that it wasn't his fault. I'm not blaming him." She gestured to Bucky who had moved significantly closer to Sam when she had started yelling. "But you could have talked it out like adults! Instead of assuming Tony didn't want to help you!"

She shook her head again.

"You guys need to learn that you guys are a team. You. Are. Family. Whether you like it or not." She moved so that she was facing everyone and not just the rogues. "So get along better because if I have to deal with PR after you guys have another fight, I swear to god they will never and I mean never find the bodies."

She then took a deep breath to calm her self down after all the yelling.

"So I heard we are having pizza for dinner?" She sat next to Tony and practically melted into his side.


So this is shorter then what I normally write but a couple of y'all suggested a part 2 so I wrote one!

I hope you all liked it!

I haven't been writing a lot recently, I haven't had the motivation so I'm sorry for the lack of updates.

Thank you for being patient with me!

We were like number 3 in the Steve Rogers tag recently so thanks for all the support!!

Stay safe my dudes!

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