The One Where They Have A Group Chat.

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Avengers Assemble 

16:56 - 5/10/19

Tin-Can added Spider-Man.

Capsicle: Who is this Tony. 

Capsicle: This is meant for Avengers only.

Spider-Man: Can you not read???? Did they not teach that in the 40s????

Spider-Man: Mr Stark someone teach this man to r e a d

Tin-Can: Chill kid

Katniss: Lmao i love this guy already

Spider-Man: I love you too Mr Hawkeye Sir!

Buckaroo: Why is he so polite 

Capsical: I meant why is he in the chat Tony.

Tin-Can: Like you said this is meant for Avengers

Tin-Can: Hes an Avenger

Spider-Man: I'm a w h a t?????


GreenBean: Thor turn off caps lock

Nat: Whats his real name

Spider-Man: Mr Stark are you serious 

Spider-Man: kjiosd ghdl

Birdbrain: Is he okay

Spider-Man: Sorry dropped my phone while swinging 

Spider-Man: Mr Stark I stg I will come over there if you don't reply

Tin-Can: Did you just threaten me?

Spider-Man: whAt NO IM SORRY 

Tin-Can: I thought so 

Tin-Can: Also what did I say about texting while swinging 

Spider-Man: Not to do it 

Tin-Man: And what did you do

Spider-Man: Text while swinging

Katniss: Omg Tony Stark cares about someone??????

ScarletBitch: He sounds like a dad

Sight: I have to agree with wanda 

Capsicle: Tony answer the questions

Tin-Can: I'm not telling you his name

Tin-Can: Yes he is an Avenger

Tin-Can: I dont know why he is so polite

Spider-Man: I NEED TO CALL NED!!!!!!

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