The One Where They Solve Crime.

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If asked, Peter would say that he met Mj at school and technically he would be telling the truth.


In reality they met when Peter was Spider-Man and Mj was Agent Jones. They were both put on a case together and became good friends afterwords. 

They were allowed to know each others identity's just in case there was an emergency and they couldn't talk while in uniform.

They started the case when they were just teens.

 They probably could have found someone more qualified but Mj was persistent on being an agent. 

It helped convince them when they found out that she had powers. They would have to keep track of her anyway, might as well get some work done while they are doing it. 

Then Mj asked Fury if she could work another case, a guy going by the name 'Chameleon'. No one but Mj had ever heard of the guy but he let her do it anyway.

She still trained and did her other missions but every free minute she was looking for the Chameleon. 

She worked the case alone for a long time. A very long time. 

 No matter what she did people wouldn't believe that the 'Chameleon' was real, Peter had his doubts. 

She knew no one believed her, not even her only friend.

But still she worked on the case.


Peter was working at his internship at Stark Industry's. After the whole homecoming disaster he had gotten a real one. He would often come down and help the other interns when Mr Stark was busy.

He was currently fixing some equations that were left on the board when a different intern ran in.


Peter turned to reply but the person grabbed his arm and dragged him into a near by cupboard. 

"Wha-" He was quickly cut off.

"I know you're Spider-Man." The mysterious person whispered.

"What! Me Spider-Man? No." He dragged out the 'o' in 'no'. "You must be thinking of someone else. I mean I'm not really sure who I am talking to but I know for a fact who you are talking too."

"And that's Peter. Just good old Peter-Man. Fuck! I mean Spider-Parker." Peter laughed nervously. "Shit no that's still wrong."

His voice got significantly quieter at the last sentence.

The guy pulled a cord and the light sputtered on. 

"Cut the shit." Peter studied the guy in front of him.

"Alex?" It finally clicked on who he was talking too, it was an intern from the floor below.

"Yea." Alex rolled his eyes. "Look I know you are Spider-Man and I need your help." 

"Am I really that bad at hiding it?" he asked.

"Yes. But that's not the point." Peter nodded to show he was listening. "I'm being framed for murder."

"You're what!" He yelled, Alex put a hand over the others mouth to make him be quiet.

"Yes. Some guy with powers turned into me and killed some girl that I've never met." Alex said in a hushed tone. 

Peter nodded and put a hand on his chin to make it look like he was thinking. 

"Yea. Okay. That sounds fake but go on."

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