The One Where Hes Been Kicked Out.

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Hey! Just a quick trigger warning. I'm not sure what trigger warnings but it does have a reference to suicidal thoughts (kind of?) so here's a TW!

Safe reading!


Peter isn't sure how it happened.

One minute he was at home in his apartment with May, trying on his new Spidey suit in his bedroom and the next he was stood out in the rain with most of his belongings in a bag.

He remembers shouting. A lot of shouting, he's pretty sure he was shouting too but he remembers May shouting most of all.

Peter doesn't think he's ever heard her that mad.

She was alway calm and collected and never, never angry. Especially towards him.

He doesn't remember a lot of what she said and she said a lot. She said too much.

If he's being completely honest he isn't sure how he ever got outside or what he packed in the duffel bag that was just sat on the ground, getting soaked in the rain.

I should call someone. He thinks.

He doesn't.

There's no one to call.

It's not like he has a long line of family members to take him in and he knows without a doubt Ned would but this is his burden to carry, so he doesn't call him.

His thoughts are... fuzzy.

No, not fuzzy. Blurry.

Like they are going to fast for him to catch and he's too tired to even try. It's too much, everything is numb.

He's pretty sure that he's going to get hypothermia, he can't bring himself to care.

It's not like he can remember where he is after he left his -no not his- Mays apartment in such a rush, he didn't bother to focus on where he was going.

To busy focusing on how May hates him.

He had stopped crying long ago but that thought alone made him want to start all over again.

He should probably feel something other then numb, he should feel sad or angry or anything.

He doesn't though.

Still just numb.

The thought of calling someone crosses his mind again, it's the closet to a coherent thought he can get.

The rest of his brain is on a constant loop of: She knows. May knows and she hates me. She hates me.

Mays been his only family for so long he isn't sure how to live without her.

The rain is heavier then when he first left. It's pouring and all his clothes are soaked, he's most definitely going to get hypothermia.

Or maybe he'll start to hibernate and then he won't have to worry about being kicked out.

Although if he passes out Karen would probably alert Mr Stark and he really can't handle getting yelled at right now.

Maybe she's already told him and he just doesn't care.

It'll be one less problem for Tony to have to deal with right?

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