The One With The Tattoos.

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Peter Parker has always loved the idea of tattoos, he had always found them cool and intriguing.

How could you not?

So when Mj suggested the idea of them getting tattoos, despite them being only 16, what was he supposed to do? Say no?

Of course he was concerned about how they were going to get them, they were definitely not old enough to get them but when Wade said he knew a guy who wouldn't ask question Peter was all for it.

So that's how Ned, Mj, Shuri, Loki, Wade and Peter ended up in a probably dodgy tattoo parlour getting tattoos.


Since that day over a year ago a now 17 Peter had kept going back and now had plenty of tattoos.

The first one he got was of a hollow triangle on the inside of his left arm, the rest who went with him also got the same.

It was to show that they will always love each other even if they weren't together, especially when they weren't together.

The second one he got was of a spider on the bottom of his foot, this one was to represent him being Spider-Man.

The next one he got was of the date his Uncle Ben got shot, it was sat on his collar bone near his heart to remind him that Ben is always with him. He also added the date Aunt May had died when she passed.

After that he got the Avengers logo on his right hip, it was to remind him that he had people who cared for him and would always love him. No matter what.

The second to last one he got was a couple of tally marks on his left wrist. One was for Gwen and Harry, one for Ned, Mj and Shuri, one for his parents, one for his aunt and uncle, there was also one for the Avengers and the final one was for Wade.

He got that one the day him and Wade finally got together, a tally mark for each person he had fallen in love with.

The final tattoo he had gotten, he got on the day Tony adopted him and in his opinion it was his most important one.

It was an arc reactor in the middle of his chest.

He would have gotten a heart but the person with the biggest heart that he knew, had an arc reactor so he got that instead.

The only problem with his tattoos is that Peter being the sweet and innocent cinnamon roll he is, sort of maybe forgot to tell the Avengers about them.

He meant to! It's just they never asked and he wasn't about to go out of his way to tell them something that was for sure going to make them mad at him.

So, although he hated lying to them, he didn't tell them.

If asked though he would argue that no one ever asked if he had any so it technically wasn't lying just keeping information.


Peter and the original six plus Bucky were in the living room sitting around while the long forgotten movie played in the back ground.

"I'm bored!" Clint said dragging out the word to fully empathise how bored he actually was.

"Do something then." Came the very useful advice from the equally bored Bucky.

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